A healthy child is a bliss


Health is wealth

It is said health is wealth. As adults we all know the importance of having good health . It not only keeps our body in good shape but also provides peace of mind.It gives us the perfect balance of leading a blissful & cheerful life.
When it  comes to children they are not way far behind.
Children are the apple of our eyes. They are the ones who give immense happiness. When they are around us,it feels like heaven.
Their shrieks, noise,pranks , shouts etc. keep up in a cheerful mood. They enlighten our otherwise dull lives.
When we start our day in the morning they add the extra flavor , a spark , an energizing boost to our lives to make a grand beginning of the day.
They will pull our legs, throw stuff around, break something , cry for certain stuff which sometimes irritates us but this is what makes us remember our childhood.
When I am with kids I forget that I am 30 year old grown up, I get the feeling of 5 year old boy who has no worries of any deadlines, meeting ,customer escalations, team handling, bosses etc.
I become my own when I am with kids. It adds several years to my life. There is smile on my face and content in my heart.
I do things which I missed doing in my childhood.
Kids also teach us so many things. I have learnt from them the power of detachment. The way kids react is something we as adults should learn and inculcate in our lives.

But when these kids fall sick our world changes entirely. There is dullness all around the house. We have somber moods.
From the moment we wake up , get ready for office and come back there is something very bad which hounds us. We feel like there is no spirit left in our lives.We are not able to concentrate in any of our activities. There is feeling of some void in our otherwise hectic lives.
The smile fades from the face of parents. The grandparents are most worried . Everyone in the house sits beside the kid in the bedroom with the a silent prayer that the kid gets well soon.
Even the people who get annoyed by the pranks of kids pray for the well being of the kids who falls sick.

Even the neighbors are unhappy to find out that the kid is not well and would come to inquire the parents about his health. The toys which lie around in the house without thier owner using them troubles the parents.

This makes us realize that its very important that the kids should have strong immunity to bear all kinds of diseases.Since kids are kids they may not eat all kinds of healthy food and this is where it becomes important that we make sure they get sufficient supplement to fulfill the gap fight diseases.

It becomes our duty that we help increase the immunity of  the kids.
Dabur chyawanprash comes here for our rescue. I will suggest all parents to go for it and provide your kids with daily dose of it. The best part is that now it is available in several flavors. So the kid will be happily eating this and making sure that he never falls sick again.

For more details you can refer to the link below



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