Life had been a roller coster ride for both of us for past 4 years. Like any other couple in India ours too was an arranged marriage. None of us knew each other before marriage. Once tied by sacred wow in front of God of fire under the blessings of our parents and relatives we were declared husband & wife.
The world renounced us as married couple but we had a long way to be friends cum couple. It takes time to understand each other , the likes and dislikes of other person, their mood swings, their thoughts , their good and their bads.On top of it the perfect maturity to accept and love the inner person which is not visible to the naked eyes. Time just flew away like a dream. We laughed together, had late night talks, those little fights over stupid things, our own share of tears and making sure other person was not hurt.
Then we realized and decided that we need more than us to make our life more meaningful.This is when we made up our mind. It was not easy since we were not aware what lay ahead of us. Life is such a bitch at times.It hits you hardest when you least expect it. One fine morning my wife came running to me all excited and uncontrollable smile on her face “Hey, finally the time has come”
“Oh really ” I exclaimed.
I was so delighted that I immediately shared this good news with everyone in the family.We started dreaming a beautiful life.The house was filled with happiness. Our lives changed so much. I was more careful and inquisitive about so many things which I would have never noticed otherwise. There was no limit to our happiness . During one such visit to our Gaenocologist we were shocked to hear what she said. Both my heart and mind refused to accept what she said. Within a moment my world came crashing in front of my eyes. I ran like a mad person from one hospital to other to take alternate advice but all went in vain. The child had to be aborted. Our life became like hell . I am a strong person at controlling emotions but this was very painful since I had to console my heartbroken wife.
It was a long wait for a around year. We had become a lot closer now after what had happened. It helped us understand each other. We used to make each other in our own subtle ways knowing deep within that we are hiding our sorrows to make sure other one is not hurt. May be that is what true love is all about. There were so many unspoken words, things , feelings which we understood.
24July , 2015.
I was anxious walking up and down the aisle . It had been a long 10 hours wait.With passage of each minute my anxiety was growing like anything. I don’t remember if I had eaten anything all this while or not but I didn’t care. Around half past nine a nurse came to me and called me to come inside. I ran like anything. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my life. In front me was the most beautiful face. Here was my daughter, with a tinkle in her eyes looking at me. I cannot explain the happiness I experienced. I looked at my wife, there was a smile one her face even after being in labour pain for around 12 hours.My family and life seems to have been complete now.I always wanted a baby girl and she has brought so much of love not only in our lives but in our entire family. We have named her “Aashi” , the meaning of which is “A beautiful smile”