Aspirants Season -3


I just finished watching Aspirants season 2 and as usual TVF has brought another masterpiece for their audience who crave for quality content. Based on my observations in the series here are my predictions how story will unfold in season 3.

a) How Abhilash become IAS – You must be wondering why I am saying so even when its known he is DM of Rampur. But let me bring something to your notice. In poster of Radha Rajesh academy achievers – Abhilash’s name is there but he is shown as qualified for IRS. It was his last attempt. Then how did he become DM if he was selected for IRS ? I will come to it but please read along.
b) When Dhairya came to meet Abhilash in his office , in the sentimental conversation which followed. Abhilash said Guri is lucky to have Dhariya. When he said she sacrificed her IRS job to pursue her passion she had tears in her eyes.

Now both the above points are related. As per my theory – based on the score of final UPSC interview, Abhilash could be next to Dhariya in rank as IRS officer. By any means someone ahead of her skipped opting for IAS and Dhariya might have been offered IAS. But being ex-girlfriend of Abhilash she sacrificed her career and withdrew from IRS so that next in rank i.e. Abhilash could become IAS officer.

So in effect Dhariya sacrificed her career not for her passion but for Abhilash’s dream to come true. It is Abhilash who is really lucky not Guri.

I may be wrong with this theory but let’s wait for next season to unfold.

4 thoughts on “Aspirants Season -3

  1. Interesting observation. I was wondering the same after the last episode of Aspirants Season 2. But how would Dhariya know about who’s giving up what, to let Abhilash achieve his goal?!

  2. Don’t think so. There was a scene where SK says Abhilash stopped looking at names as soon as he got to his, meaning Dhairya’s rank was possibly lower. This is where Abhilash didn’t know Dhairya had passed the UPSC.

  3. Just finished the series tonight.
    Ohh is this possible that the cadre is offered to someone else if one gives up? I didn’t know about this. But few people on reddit said he mightve sat for another and last attempt. Well if ur prediction is true, it’ll REALLY spice things up for the next season and I hope hope it’s the case and not Abhilash returning to rajendra nagar to sit for another attempt, the same upsc struggle story another year round

  4. Dude, it was his 5th attempt. There was one more attempt left for him. If you comes to Dhariya sacrificing her job, Abhilash wasn’t in waitlist his name came in IRS along with everyone. So clearly she didn’t sacrificed for Abhilash.

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