
Love is in the Air

It had been 3 long years since he met Richa for the first time. There was something special about Richa which made him restless. He was not his […]


Looks are deceptive #WillYouShave

It was 3rd year of my engineering. The semester exams had just got over. I was totally exhausted mentally and physically. I needed a break. Winters had engulfed […]


Kitna Chain Hota Hai Na Sachai Mein

October ,1997 St. Joseph’s School I was in standard 8th , an average student who would mostly stay quiet but there were certain changes which were happening inside […]


So close , yet so far !!

In the darkness of the room, his hand tried to reach out for his mobile. He wanted to check the time, it was 4:15 am. He realized he […]


The last Sigh ..

    And before I knew it, I had hit “Send “. The mail had been sent, it took some time for me to come to terms for […]


The Lost Friendship !!

“Arrhhhhh, this pain will kill me“ Nishant blabbered as he entered in home, holding his head. His wife took a sigh of relief to see her husband back […]


The End or the Beginning ?

What if the destiny makes your ex lover stand in front of you one day ?What if you find he/she is still waiting for your “YES I too love you” ?
How will you react then?
Will it we The End or a Beginning ?


Lost by a margin

June 2006 “Hey Raj I wish college would not end , so that I can sit here all the time with my friends and spend the best time […]