Delhi's Charismatic girls

Ufff..yeh Dilli ki ladkian  !!!”.

This is what I often hear from many people ever since I have stepped into corporate life. Sometimes I wonder what makes them say so and created this perception as a stereotype. After having endless arguments,I just quit thinking about this matter and take it in my stride  “whatever it is.. let it be..:)

Call them attention seeker, self obsessed, bold or whatever but Dilli ki ladkian definitely rock and that’s why they really deserve to be written about. And who else to do so than a typical Delhi girl who knows everything about it.

I still remember when I was in Chennai, one of my roommates used to criticize so badly about Delhi girls saying “Dilli ki Ladkian kitni chant hoti hai” and when I said “main bhi  dilli ki ladki hun ” she termed me as an exception. Believe me knowing many other Delhi girls around me, I find them just like me and relate with them more than any other city’s girl.

Then how can I be an exception? ”

 I could never change her belief about Delhi girls but one thing I could do was to be good friends with her and make her realize that we value friendship and respect every relationship.

After coming back to Delhi,my home town,city of life again got back to the same track of having fun,living each moment with my loving family and my friends. Then I realized one difference is that Delhi girls know how to live life. Living Life is not about just having fun , hanging  around, movies and all;its about finding happiness in small things which many people don’t even count in their lives.Like me and Sakshi , after having met in V3S have just 1 motto of eating that tempting sizzler which is one of its kinds,and not finding it awkward to shout at the  stallwala with so much disappointment “Bhaiya Aag laga do is stall ko“.Sahu (Priyanka always called by her surname as its short :)) and me visiting Krishna Nagar market just to do small shopping and having street side Bhel puri which is uncomparable. If the show is at 4:30 pm Kanika and me reach at 4:40 just to have fun of running for that movie and asking other people that  “What happened til now“. These may sound just other things but  many such simple moments make my life so exciting in its own way. This is me – a typical Dilli ki Ladki..:)

Dilli Ki Ladkian to bech k kha jae” a shocking yet very often said line I heard from one of my colleagues. Ok..!! what I conclude from this comment  is that Delhi girls make their boy friend spend a lot on them 😛 another misconception ,because Delhi girls are so pricy that to impress them guys just spend like anything and having failed in that make such beliefs 😛

I was asked by one friend of mine that “why delhi girls are so particular about lavish cars ? “.Then I just told him that I won’t mind traveling in your Maruti 800, infact I am happy with that but if given a choice between Accord and 800 I will obviously choose Accord .But let me clarify that I would love to walk with the guy whom I am in love with but I can’t go on a ride with any champu in the most luxurious car of this world. If that’s being money minded, I definitely am :)..Just being a Delhi Gal..

Dilli ki ladkian sirf apne baare me sochti hai“, another comment which is commonly spoken.

We think about ourselves in fact I  say  “I love myself ” but that does not  mean they don’t think about others. Anyone can feel special when their loved ones make them feel so but  we feel special by bringing smile on a person who may not be special for us. We know how to fall in love but more than that we know how to rise in that to make life so beautiful :).  If that’s called being self obsessed Delhi girls are the most self obsessed.

You have got fire in you“, this funny one we ( My GOA Gang of Girls) got it when somebody passed another cheap comment on us in Goa.

We Have Pepper Spray to burn you, you want to try that?” was the response he got from Stuti.

After yelling at a sophisticated looking IT Professional in an auto  “Aap itni der se itna ghoor rahe ho you are really cheap ,Don’t you dare do that again !!!”,I myself felt that so called Strong Delhi Girl streak in me which makes me feel proud of myself  🙂

Having said all the good things about Delhi Girls I would never deny the fact that she may have grey shades in her which makes you go crazy and gives tough time understanding her because  she is different in different situations. She tends to over shadow her original self, but believe me once you understand her she is just another gal who is a blend of sweetness and attitude, a deadly combo 🙂

NB: Samta Budhiraja is a guest blogger and good friend of mine  who belongs from Delhi and carries the charisma, confidence and personality to give complex to anyone. The constant lewd remarks and comments about girls of Delhi encouraged her to write her point of views about the same. Your opinion and views about this article are most welcome.

5 thoughts on “Delhi's Charismatic girls

  1. Thanks Rajput for publishing this in ur site.This 1s for u or may be a tribute to ur blogs :P..:).I hope i would be able to connect people…

  2. First of all let me correct the name of the guest blogger.. Samata B 🙂

    Uff ye dilli ki ladkiyan…. thanks god, i am spared till now, so not much opinion about them… but one comment for them.. they are what i called is street smart… and in obsession to that they might be crossing the line defined by others, which makes others to comment in this fashion. If anyone has ever got clear understanding of girls mind, then they will be able to better understand, why do dilli girls exhibit this behavior 🙂

  3. Well nicely described Samta …and surely I got connected with the situation…Me not being dilli ki ladki,I wanted to confess I always wanted to be like dilli ki ladki in few ways ,the “STRONG DELHI GIRL STREAK” is one to mention.
    Neways u were good and keep writing….:)

  4. Hey thanks Upasana..Soo sweet and nice of u..u too rock 🙂
    Anupam San..keep trying may be u understand them 1 day 🙂

  5. I agree that there is a lot of prejudice about Delhi girls.. I have spent most and significant formative years of my life at Delhi, and when I moved to Jaipur to pursue higher studies, I was shocked with the way girls from Delhi were taken into account…
    Ragging was different, favours were poured in, and later baseless jealousy was faced… I wondered if the smaller towns have every girl with same mindset, ‘coz the initial welcome to all females from Delhi was done same handedly as if Delhi had some mould through which each girl has been crafted, and it took not months but more than a year for any Delhi girl to stand out and make people realize that ‘Hey!!! So What if I am from Delhi, I am Me and not yet another Delhi Girl’…
    I am too proud to be Delhiite but People need to know that rainbow is not Violet….

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