Health is wealth

It is aptly said Health is Wealth. The only thing which is always stays with us is our health. A healthy body & mind can achieve everything in the world. Time and again the emphasis has been laid down for healthy living.

There are various components of fitness:

  • Primary :
    1. Cardiorespiratory capacity which is symbolised by proper heart rate, decreased risk of cardiovascular diseases, improved endurance and good cardiac output.
    2. Muscular capacity which is symbolised by increased strength, improved muscular endurance and good posture.
    3. Flexibilitywhich is symbolised by improved flexibility, decreased risk of injury and improved posture.
    4. Body composition which is symbolised by good bodily function and improved BMI.


  • Secondary :
    1. Balanceof body position in static or dynamic position.
    2. Coordinationbetween different organs.
    3. Agilityto move and change direction.
    4. Reaction time to external stimulus.
    5. Speedto move rapidly
    6. Power
    7. Mental capability

A healthy mind resides in a healthy body. Health is a dynamic process which keeps on changing on the basis of how we follow healthy lifestyle and activities. Healthy lifestyle has long lasting consequences on us. It is very important to have good health to enjoy the beauty of life.

Those of us who participate in regular physical activity do so partly to improve the current and future level of our health. We strive toward an optimal state of well-being. As our lifestyle improves, our health also improves and we experience less disease and sickness.


When I went through the family life section of rewardme website I was very much impressed. There are plenty of articles about how to take care of our health. There are articles specific to a season or lifecyle.The content of article varies from swimming in summer season , Yoga, easy to use weight loss tips , Nutritional tips for fasting during various times , tips about oral health, tips about family health, when to start going to Dentist, tips for diabetic patients, information about harmful effect of smoking, simple stress busters , tips for strength training , ways  to start meditating , tips to tackle dandruffs, benefits of certain food items which are readily available , tips to prevent swine & seasonal flus and the list goes on.

What impressed me the most was that the articles are not very lengthy and boring. They are quick read which can be done during short breaks, especially for people like me who read on the fly in office.

This is a very good initiative by P&G to make people aware about healthy habits and also help connect with them. No doubt it helps them in promoting their brand and reach out to masses.

I am participating in the Ready For Rewards activity for Rewardme in association with BlogAdda



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