You are plagued with sever headaches, coughing, nasal drainage- basically it hurts too bad to even sleep. A sinus infection can not and should not be ignored, once diagnosed it should be treated properly so that it can disappear forever with all of its painful symptoms. Many people are hesitant to take medication for all types of illnesses, the good news for sinus patients is that sinus infection can actually be cured without medication. Read on to find out more.
The facts about a sinus infection:
Getting to know all the facts about a sinus infection is the first step towards recovery that every sinus patient should take. Sinusitis or a sinus infection is an infection of the nasal passages. It can be either a viral or bacterial infection, but in majority of cases it is found to be a bacterial infection. Although, treating the sinus infection is a bit difficult without medication but it is possible, all you have to do is some natural home remedies and you relieve your infection symptoms easily.
Helpful natural home remedies:
There are many natural home remedies which help you fight off a sinus infection without medication, some of them are mentioned in the following lines. Drinking plenty of hot liquids really calms down the sinus infection, as it helps unclog your sinuses and the great thing is that you have a lot of options of drinks to choose from-you can have green tea, black tea, herbal tea decaffeinated teas and you can also opt for a hot and healthy chicken soup.
Eating lozenges really helps soothe a sore throat, and eating lozenges that have eucalyptus is the second splendid way to treat a sinus infection without medication. Eucalyptus works effectively against swollen tissue, thats why its use is a must while suffering from a sinus infection. Another effective way of treating a sinus infection without medication is to eat a teaspoon of horseradish, granted it does sound hard but it really helps you in clearing your sinuses.
Another thing that you can do to treat your sinus infection without medication is to put a towel soaked with warm water on your face, just do this for five minutes and you will see the marked improvement in your breathing as your nasal will be drained quickly after this activity.
Consult a doctor:
Although, treating sinus infection without medication does sound tempting but you should always consult your doctor first and ask him the best treatment course. Just dont start treating the sinus infection yourself, consulting the doctor is very important.