I wish to MOVE ON..

The worst feeling is not being lonely. It’s being forgotten by someone whom you could never forget.”

I hope at some point of life one falls in love with special someone.

What happens next decides a lot about how you spent rest of your lives.

What usually starts with friendship often reaches the beautiful relationship of love & commitments and luckier few end up with marriage and henceforth live happily ever after.

But there are other unlucky ones too who fall in love and then after keep on falling.

There may be hundreds of reasons for break off, but at the end of the day it’s the poor souls who suffer.

We try hard to MOVE ON.. in life , coz as we say life gives us thousands of reasons to smile and live.

And we do move on as time passes BUT… There are moments, when the reminiscences of the past come to haunt us.

However much you may try; you simply walk into that trap and these feelings just pull you down.

Quite often I sit in solitude & think, I find that though we may be surrounded by dozens of friends, people, activities etc. but we are a Loner…

The feeling of loneliness just eats you from within.

But there is one more feeling which is worse than being lonely and that is being forgotten by the person whom you could never ever forget in life or to say you don’t want to forget.

You miss those words, those talks, that scolding, the tears, the giggles, the fights, the goodnight messages, the sweet voice, the eyes, the warmth , the walks , ……. each and every moment that you spent with her.

Sometimes I feel it’s a curse to be human beings, the very feelings which are our strength, at times become our Weakness.

Sometimes I think which is easier to do – saying or simply MOVING ON ….

7 thoughts on “I wish to MOVE ON..

  1. Yeah..It’s a really tricky phase i understand..More you want to run away the difficult it becomes to do so! Burns the heart like anything.

    I also know that no advice works in these times and i would refrain from doing so…

    But i will tell you what i tried to do..I just remembered THE GOLDEN words “This too shall pass..”..It made me feel light 🙂

    Take care bro 😀 .

  2. tried all the tricks in the book ….what happens at the most is my mind gets diverted for sometime …then again i am overrrun by the feelings …
    “This too shall pass by …” seems to be a good mantra …. will try this one…
    may be this can ease some burden …
    thanks bhai

  3. “Life.” is what i would like to comment on this man.Just a matter of some time and you would be actually able to “laugh it off”.

  4. ahh!……..it’s really painful 🙁 sometimes v don’t know whar v shall really do,even if v find the reason 2 move on our reminiscences just doesn’t allow.

  5. Yeah, surely life give us thousands of reasons to smile .
    It gives us strength to move on but “DIL TO BACHHHA HAI JI”.
    Few months ago i wrote the post ,concerned url http://totalgadha.com/tgtown/insane/2010/01/04/every-time-when-it-rings/ .This was the time i was totally fucked up by the situations prevailing in my life but with passing time i again started smiling and that was because life gave more reasons to smile and now m smiling as ever again
    Though i moved on in my life but still m standing at that position only 🙁

  6. hey bro dont worry this patch will also pass but might take tym.but surly after this pain ful time.life will be very buetiful.Life is what we see.

  7. @Ankur
    You may be right .. time may be a great healer.. hoping things to normalize as time passes
    very true..Those moments just pull us back however hard we may try 🙁
    its tough dost.. really tough
    waiting for that beautiful time to come

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