Kitna Chain Hota Hai Na Sachai Mein

October ,1997

St. Joseph’s School

I was in standard 8th , an average student who would mostly stay quiet but there were certain changes which were happening inside me. May be it was due to the age  or the  hormones or the feeling of entering the phase of adulthood. Our English teacher was busy  teaching something important. Oh , by the way did I tell you she was very strict and no one ever dared even speak in her class. She was most respected in the school but at the same time students feared her anger.

After a long time I got an opportunity to share seat with  my close friend. Our seats would be changed everyday so that we would come to know each other. This was a blessing in disguise, we all classmates had become very good friends. Our class was known for our unity.

While the teacher was busy teaching an important chapter in literature, I was busy with Abhishek discussing about the new video game his maternal uncle had brought from US ( Video games very luxury in those times ). We were so engrossed in our conversation that we forgot that Mam was explaining something on board. There was some funny instance which Abhishek shared and I burst into laughter. Before I could realize what blunder I had done , it was too late. She shouted “Who is that ?

There was pin drop silence in the class. “I repeat who is that idiot ? Stand up !!” I was totally numb and couldn’t think anything. I could not speak anything. The unity of the class came to the fore when nobody told my name to the teacher.

“Okkk… If you will not tell me the name of the culprit then I will not teach this class today”

Everybody stand up “. The class stood up. I was sweating with fear. Teacher waited for someone to tell the name  but none of them spoke. When the school bell rang, she said “I know this is your games period but you all will continue to stand here till you name the culprit “. We all used to wait for the games period impatiently which came once a week only.

The school got over after that period and everybody went home. It was the longest stride back to my house. What happened that day  in the school had made me restless . I couldn’t sleep the entire night.I had the guilty pangs.Next day when I reached school premises, I headed directly to teacher’s staff-room.

I stood outside the staff-room and watched as other teachers arrived.One of the teachers asked “Have you been given punishment to stand here  ?”

“No, I am waiting for Shantamurthi Mam”

She arrived after 10 later .My hands were sweating. I collected all my strength and went near her.

“Goo.. good mo…morning mam !!”

“Good morning  , Why have you come  here ? Don’t you have a class to attend ? “

“I came to confess that I was the person who laughed loudly in your class yesterday. I am really sorry mam. Please forgive me , I will never do it again. Please don’t punish the entire class because of my fault.”

“Hmmm.. So why you didn’t tell me yesterday ? “

“I was scared , I couldn’t think what to say. I have been feeling guilty since yesterday.. Please pardon me”

“I am happy that you realized your mistake but promise me you will never be afraid to own your mistakes in future ? “

“I promise mam, I will do so “

“Ok  !!! Now go to your class and concentrate in your studies”.

That was the most happiest and game changing day of my life. When Shantamurthi Mam arrived in class, I said sorry to my entire class. This episode gave me confidence and inspiration to be honest midst any  kind of adversaries.By being honest I have endured so many challenging situations in my life so far. Really “KITNA CHAIN HOTA HAI NA SACHCHAI MEIN” ?


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