Love is in the Air


It had been 3 long years since he met Richa for the first time. There was something special about Richa which made him restless. He was not his normal self that day and months to come by. He got goose bumps whenever he met her. He was the most outgoing person of the entire group, the most handsome and most lovable but no girl so far had left any impact as much Richa had done.

Richa and Avinash both worked in different IT companies in Miami. They had common passion and had joined a local group of the city which shared this mutual interest. The passion they shared would have been termed crazy by any common folk but these group of crazy people did not give a heed about the naysayers.

Every alternate weekend this group of about 20 crazy folks would meet, enjoy their passion and later during the weekend would chill out in any local pub before bidding goodbye to meet again after a fortnight.

Avinash did not realize how time flew by and it had been 3 years now. The feelings he had for Richa had grown immensely. He could do any daring thing in the world but when it came to express his feelings for Richa he would become dumber and couldn’t speak a word. Even Richa had a soft corner for Avinash and entire group of friends was aware about it.

It was chilly morning of Feb. The group had met again for another adventurous trip. It was just another weekend for rest of the folks but not for Avinash. He had something going on in his mind. The emotions had overtaken his mind, he had made up his mind.

The team met in the hangar, had their usual team meeting, put on their suits & parachutes and moved to board their plane.  All the folks were sitting in the plane chatting and cracking jokes as if it was a normal routine for them. But there was sweat on Avinash s face.

The plane continued to ascend high in the sky, once it attained 15000 feet, the captain of the plane gave signal to all the members. The door of the plane opened and one by one all the skydivers started jumping outside. Avinash was the last person to jump.

When his turn came, he came to the door, and to the surprise of the instructor he took off his parachute and took the plunge. Even before the instructor could realize what had happened, Avinash was in the air, in a free fall. He manoeuvred in the air, while the rest of the team members had already formed a circle in the air holding each others hand. Soon, the team realized Avinash did not have a parachute on his back. The height between the ground and the team was constantly decreasing.

Avinash manoeuvred and came close to Richa.

Hey Avinash !! Where is your parachute? Asked Richa. But Avinash did not answer this question.

Richa, I wanted to tell you something ¦ In fact I have always wanted to tell you something

Is it so important than your life? Where is your parachute? Come closer to me and let me hold you, we both can come down using my parachute

No Richa , I need you to listen to me . Its now or never.

Ever since I have seen you, I have always thought about you. In my dreams , when I am awake, in the mornings, during my prayers , when I missed my country , my family ¦ You are the only person who has come to my mind . Your face appears in front of my eyes when I am awake and when I close them.  I have realized, the only person with whom I would like to spend the rest of my life is YOU. I cannot live without you. Will you be my valentine ? . Avinash took out a red rose in his right hand and a ring in the other. He was looking directly into the eyes of Richa, with air gushing strongly across him.

Avinash.. I¦ I ¦

Richa do you love me ?

Avinash , I think you need to come closer to me.. I am worried about you.. said Richa as she realized there was very less time left to open parachute.

No Richa, I will come closer to you only when I know your real feelings. Else I will not

The distance between them and ground was reducing significantly. The troopers were frightened to see Avinash in this situation. There was fear on everybodyd face except one person- Avinash. He was the only person who had a neutral face, waiting desperately for an answer. He had no guilt now, his heart was light like a feather and his feelings were at its peak, since he could convey his feelings to the love of his life.

Avinash, you are the one whom I like the most ¦ I have always liked you.. I have been waiting for this day for a year now. Initially I thought it was just an infatuation. But when I went to India last year for a month and could not meet you I realized how much I missed you. It dawned upon me that it was not just a crush. I am truly, madly, deeply in love for you..

Yes, Yes.. wo whoooooo ¦ yes She loves .. Richa loves me Shouted Avinash.

Yes, I love you , now come close to me and hold me. I am opening parachute

Richa took the flower and ring and Avinash held her tightly as she pulled the chord of parachute. The ground was only 500 feet now. As both of them were sailing in the air, which was now filled with love, rest of the group was cheering and hooting at top of their voice. Meanwhile another person in the team had shot the entire episode in his camera.

NB : This post is a work of fiction & a competition , but can be imitated in real life by those who dare to take such bold risk to propose someone they love.

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