Mediocre or Extraordinary, what will you choose to be?

The board room meeting was in full flow,the top honchos were busy with ppts and discussions.
It was a routine affair,which had no new element to think or brainstrom.

Some of the people were in half slumber since nothing was interesting.Suddenly they were shaken from their 3rd or 4th layer of sleep, “Common guys I have a question for all of you ” said the CEO gauging the situation.

“If you have the choice of being extraordinary or mediocre. How could you choose mediocre!!! How???”

Now as an universal phenomenon there are some of the outspoken nerds who always have  something to say were about to start blurring about their stupid ideas when they were interrupted,
“Hold on !! I don’t want any answers now.Go home and think about it, we meet again here  after 4 days and I want to hear from each of you about this with proper justification.”

The meeting  ended there but the real discussion was about to start now.

Sorry I forgot to tell you, this happened with one of my friends  who raised this question to us  to get our views.

Here goes my take,
If I am given a choice to select I will choose to be a mediocre rather than being  an extraordinary.Sounds strange Uhh  ?? 😛
Well majority of so called best things in life come with a price.Similarly being extraordinary and best asks for sacrifices and pain.Now I am not escaping from pain,hard work and sacrifices but my concern is “Is the gain worth the pain or sacrifice  ?” OR “Is it necessary to be an extraordinary to achieve the goal ?”

Well my answer is NO. Being a mediocre and an understated person gives me enough freedom and choice to work out the plans to achieve the goal.
I have less BURDEN of expectations so I can focus on my goal easily.I am also not stereotyped to any image.
I can achieve the goal with the luxury of enjoying those small things in life which we generally miss when we are termed as an “extraordinary” since we have an image to maintain.

Sometimes the best of a person comes when least is expected from him.The example can be Indian cricket team when they won the T20 world cup.They performed best since they were devoid of any expectations.They were fearless and gave their best.They enjoyed each moment of their journey and it was the major reason they reached peak.

The same applies in other situations too being just another guy in the crowd  also gives enough space and comfort level to a common  man to align to you.

Ask any topper of any branch or institute.He will narrate the pain of being one, though he gets all the limelight.It’s very difficult to maintain the position.I have even seen people breaking down after achieving the position since it demanded the sacrifices they could not afford at the cost of their actual dream.It’s lonely at the top.

The treatment given to extraordinary people is not real, its superficialand  that is  what makes people aloof from him.

Now I would like to hear your opinion, would you choose to be an extraordinary or a mediocre?

8 thoughts on “Mediocre or Extraordinary, what will you choose to be?

  1. I do the same..i keep the expectations of people frm mem bare minimum..It is no rocket science..It is like i tell them i wil score 1 out of 10 and then end up scoring 1.1 out of 10…People are happy and so am i 😉

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  3. @Ravi- you know this is something that comes from within. You cannot decide whether u want to be mediocre or extraordinary. Ask Sachin whether he set out to achieve what he is today or for that matter Roger or DhiruBhai…They become extraordinary because they liked what they did and hence achieved the status…Me- am still looking for that one thing for which i am passionate.
    @Lover boy -liked your take

  4. i read your Blog it’s been well described … its absoultely gud ;wat are the thoughts of people and what do they choose. r they extraordinary or u want to be a mediocre..keep it up im happy to see this !!! wel.. done job !!Ravindra .cheers

  5. This thing confuses many people….!!!! Isn’t it…??
    Don’t be afraid to go for what you want even if you reach the half way…!!!
    Its not what others expect from you but what you expect from yourself.
    I’ll not decide first, whether I want to be a mediocre or extraordinary….. Its my means that would decide that. So keep doing your best and let your means decide your end.

  6. Dear Ravindra, It is not really necessary to limit one’s ability by branding oneself into a rigid definition like “Mediocre” or “Extraordinary”. If you start doing what you enjoy doing the most then you automatically blossom into a promising, enterprising individual. Also Mediocre or Extraordinary are very relative terms which cannot be given a universal definition.

  7. Yaar………… could u write so nice………..dil ko choo jata hai……..laagta ki ham khud likhne laage

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