Philanthropy: The need of the hour

My father says “Everyone knows how to earn money ,but not everyone knows how to spend it”.I took his saying lightly during my initial years of life but as I grew up and saw the big bad world outside,I understood the real meaning of this ordinary looking statement.

We all earn money, some in thousands, others in crores and accordingly we spend it too. 99% of people generally spend this money for their own benefit,but remaining 1% or may be less than that have heart big enough to spend for others or to be precise for a philanthropic purpose.

There was a recent case of such an act by an Indian business tycoon which took all,including me by surprise.

Happily excited by the news I put this piece of news on my facebbok status,unaware that it would turn out to be a good healthy discussion.

Today I am not writing any story or poem or a real life experience.I am sharing below the conversation that followed on facebook in an unedited format.

I would like to hear your views and opinion about the same.

12345You are most welcome to post your opinion here or the link comment thread

5 thoughts on “Philanthropy: The need of the hour

  1. as far as my views r concerned, i believe there is nothing wrong to live a king size life, but……if mukesh ambani vud hav done some charity also it would have been appreciable.But also,….1 must not show this much objection 2 one’s possession.

  2. I am just recollecting what i did with my first salary.. How it tasted to earn it and spend it the way I loved spending ……..

    A charity ir worthy only if its done with the spirit of charity… So it should be to each one his own…..

  3. @Gayatri
    That’s my point too about Mukesh,I don’t mind him spending so much on himself coz its his money but would have loved to hear that he made some contribution to charity or society to show his compassion.
    Rightly said , the “spirit” is what truly matters 🙂

  4. We cannot force people right…It would have been great if he had donated bt then doesnt the same logic applies to us…When we say go crazy for a new mobile OR say even a lavish party would it have been better if we had given it to somebody who needs it more than we do…
    Who knows how much Ambani donates buit one thing i know and feel that afterall it is their lief ans their money..upto them how they spend it..right?

    And finally As rightly said by ASV –> To each his own

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