Pimples make you loose dimples


The world is full of problems – swine flu, ebola outbreak, civil wars , naxalism, militancy etc. But you ask any teenager what is the biggest problem affecting his life and I am sure majority of them would answer – pimples.

Yes , you are right all of us , whether we are adults or teenagers have gone through the pains of having pimples on our face.It is one of the most irritating  things to happen to anybody. Not only does it bring the physical pain but has various social & psychological affects on our minds.This is irrespective of how severe the pimples are.

Psychological Affect : Pimples mostly affect us when we are in the age group where appearing good is the most important thing for us. when we are developing our personalities.This is the time when peer pressure is too high and acceptance or getting ridiculed in a group mostly depends on your appearance.

There is loss of confidence in a person having pimples , he may struggle to have eye contact to speak to someone.

Persons suffering from it are afraid to venture confidently in public and social gatherings.

Girls can disguise their pimples by using heavy makeup but boys don’t have such option since they cannot even shave properly due to the pimples.

People having pimples are sitting  ducks as far as getting taunts from peers are concerned. They seldom have any replies for such taunts. This further dents their self confidence and image.

Boys find it difficult to approach any girl and same applies for girls too. This affects making new bonds with someone whom they admire. The fear of getting rejected or ridiculed adversely affects  their minds. I am not sure but their should be some study to conclude if pimples can even lead a person into depression ?.

There might be situations when a person needs to be presentable in office for a client meeting  or has to appear for an interview.In cases like these it may severely affect his self confidence and he might not be  able to give his best shot.

Imagine someone who is trying his or her career in modelling or air hostess etc. where appearing good is the utmost priority .The person might end up loosing  up the job or the opportunity  itself ?

Extreme cases of pimples can result person from having mood swings, irritating behavior,feeling  of being left out.

Proper guidance and help is what is the need of hour. There are various options available to prevent and fix the issue of pimples. The following links can be useful.


NB : This post is part of indiblogger contest 

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