Reality Shows ka Atank !!!

Going home early from office is everyone’s delight cum dream.But if I say “I hate going home early” or “main akele bore ho jaata hun…” then you would throw hundreds of questions on me.But let me make it clear I don’t stay alone,I have 3 more roommates and n number of friends in NCR with whom I can spend time after office hours.Also I am not one of those who would give up my life for my company to stay day & night to work.The reason is Reality Shows( Yesssss.. read ahead to know why)

Hope you must remember,couple of years back when KBC was first introduced on small screen,it brought the families together in drawing room,where each one of us enjoyed.Result was barren streets,empty theatres & multiplexes,husbands back to home in time, children got a new lease of life to enhance their general knowledge; most importantly people like me got a relief from soap operas which made glycerine a high demand commodity.I just wonder “Wo bhi kya din the yaar !!”

Contrary to those times,when I enter home now I see a shift in likes and tastes of people.Daily soap operas are still there with some twists and turns,added to them are so called “REALITY SHOWS “which have played havoc on me and may be many like me.By the time I would settle down in chair in drawing room Dolly Bindra would would be screaming and abusing her colleagues,whereas my roomates would be so inolved that they forget about having dinner.The torture doesnot end here.
Post this “abusive-scripted-dramatic-inmates serial “come other serials which show extra marital affairs,pre marital affairs,affair with secretary & her pregnancy,sex,child marriage,vulgar laughter shows,man marrying his sister-in-law who is a widow even though he is married, another serial where a father tries to molest friend of her daughter,rakhi sawant trying to do insaaf (….WTF),a wife beaten brutally by her husband and looses her baby and what all crap.And if this was not enough there is another reality show where one goes for loyalty test of his/her lover,expose all their personal stuff in front of national channel.Someone please tell them this is not only “emotional atyachaar” this is “mansik atyachaar” too.I wonder where are we heading ?

When I raise the same points to my roommates I get the response as “See you don’t know the stories that’s why you don’t like them,once you will understand the story line you will be loving them”.With this I am tutored about the stories of all soap operas and I end up getting confused with character of one serial having affair with character of another serial or storyline of 3-4 serials getting mixed up.
Finally they understood it’s not my cup of tea.Instead now I spend my time listening to songs or chatting on phone or just going for a walk.

If this was not enough,I had something more in store.Scared of this mental torture at home I used to happily move out each morning for office assuming I will be spared from these crap discussions.
But lo here too everyone is discussing about Big boss,sara,tapasya,kaali,dil mill gayi,geet,utarran, pratigya and the like.
Not only they discuss amidst team meetings but when I try to avoid it or say I don’t watch them I am looked down as if I have committed a heinous crime.

Limit was crossed when the news poured in that Pamela would be coming to Big boss ,along with the 2.5 crores she would be getting for the appearance.Oh my god !!! everywhere -be it food court, office, chaiwala, fm station,mails, newspaper everyone is discussing about it.
Bhajji’s century has taken a backseat.People seem to have forgotten about other important things (waise bhi CWG scam ,Adarsh scam,2G scam etc are everyday affair in our country but not Pamela).
People are under impression that Baywatch part-2 will be telecasted live for 3 days but they are fools since its all pulicity stunt aimed at getting more TRPs.

Its high time IB ministry wakes up from deep slumber and takes some concrete steps against all these vulgar shows to prevent social degradation of our society.
All I can say now -“GOD save this country”

PS: Just now news has come that Bigboss can be aired only after 11pm.Heartily thanks to GOI. I can watch KBC in peace now.
Mr Bachchan I am coming !!!

6 thoughts on “Reality Shows ka Atank !!!

  1. hi dear!….i also thought of writing something related 2 reality shows…..but now think 2 give it a backseat….thank god! i don’t hav colors on my package………i also prefer only KBC with my family….otherwise music channels…..

  2. nice yaar… i see your writing has improved with each passing post :)… and good to see u voicing ur opinion on this… maybe a reality show against these shows ;)….

  3. I love to stick to TLC and Turbo, but my mapa go gaga over tele soaps from 1900 to 2300 hrs. I wonder what they find in these silly stuff !!!!

    Rightly said!! IB shoukd wale up and take action now……..

  4. @Gayatri
    KBC has always been my fav.. best reality show ever… 🙂
    Thanks bro.. its all bcoz of ur continous support and encourangement.. waise a reality show against the existing reality shows is a damm good idea.. i hope someone reads this.
    @Ishtdeep Singh
    I completely agree with you 🙂
    I think we had have enough of these shows.. time to watch something better and worthful
    You too seem to be in the same boat as me and many others…I too hope IB takes some strong action against them..

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