Skincare : Asset to personality


What makes your skin so special to you ? Is it the look and feel you get by a healthy glowing skin ? The confidence it imparts you when you  meet someone from external world or the peek into your own life about how well you take care of yourself.

In this cut throat competitive world, it not only matters to feel good but also to  look good and this is where skincare comes into picture. It is very important to maintain a healthy skin. When I say healthy and glowing skin I don’t mean the color of the skin, rather the health of it. The quality of skin also throws a peek into overall health of a person. Because it reflects about the kind of diet and nutrition a person is having, which reflects via the health of skin.

Keeping the importance of skin in mind here is a one stop shop of all the skin related questions and articles – Reward me site.

There was various articles on this site which will cater to your requirement of skin care. You need to be beautiful from within to look beautiful from outside. Below are the couple of articles from the website which I would like to mention here:

1) Four tips for glowing skin 

2) Top 5 ways to get rid of blackheads at home

3) Five shaving tips you need this summer

4) Tips to keep skin oil-free this summer

5) Chocolate and gold facials 

6) How to give yourself an anti-ageing face massage

7) How to maintain your nails and keep them healthy and strong

8)  Fight pesky pimples with nature’s powers

9) Five tips for perfect summer wardrobe

10) Holi skincare tips – before and after 

11 ) 7 natural facepack to make dry skin disappear

12) Your 2 minutes everyday can stop wrinkles

13) An expert’s guide to winter skincare

14) Everyone is talking about skin rehab

15 ) Give yourself a 5 step pedicure at home

16) Reasons to add oil to your skincare routine

17) Expert tips for sensitive skin

18) How to pamper stressed out skin

19) Five ways to treat your skin

20 ) Five beauty products for everyday spa at home

21) Easy at home spa tips

22) Your beauty questions answered

Below is an excerpt from one of the articles :


“Embarrassing, unsightly and painful pimples can be caused by anything from diet and lifestyle to genetics and hormones, making them tricky to treat. Wrong beauty products only worsen the problem. While how to remove pimples is the question on everyones minds; natural remedies are all you need to be acne-free.

As you can see there are plenty of articles on the site. This site is maintained and promoted by P&G for its brands. Do try this site once and I bet you will love it.


I am participating in the Ready For Rewards activity for Rewardme in association with BlogAdda

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