Hello Ravsworld, my old friend, it has been quite a while since I thought about you¦..
It was a lonely and dark night of Dec 2010 when you came in my life. I was frustrated, sad, lost,lonely and undergoing one of the worst phase of my life when you came as glimmer of hope in my otherwise dark and gloomy life.
You were there whenever I needed to vent out my feelings, share my deepest of fears, closest of secrets and being the most trusted confidant and friend.
You had never disappointed me, always there to lend your help and were within my reach.
You were the one who helped me realize the hidden potential in myself, a talent which I was not even aware of. You were the one who made me realize that I could achieve great heights in my life, if I dared to. You helped me get name and fame.
You helped me to connect with my long lost friends and dear ones. You helped me to open up with those whom I would never dare say a word. You helped my dear ones see the other side of me, an unknown, unexplored person whom they had never understood so far. They might have never understood me if you were not there.
You helped me connect with so many like-minded friends who became so close to me as days passed.
But let me confess you one thing. While you were there for me in my lows and struggle, I neglected you in past one year. I was so engrossed in my ambitious dreams and work that I forgot about you. I had become so busy chasing material targets, rising in corporate ladder, fixing personal issues that I did not even bother to look for you even once, till the time blogadda came with this beautiful topic of WOW.
I would like to sincerely thank team Bloagadda to introduce this topic .Ravsworld is my blog whom I had neglected for past so many months and with this article I vow to continue writing frequently and keep visiting my best friend 🙂 🙂
This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.
Really wow article ravindra!!!!!!
while reading this article i was totally in suspense n curious to know who this person is ………..who have all the qualities of a perfect friend……….
after reading the last line i just smile………said to myself ……. “yes…….its true”