Ever since #Demonetization was announced on Nov 8th , there has been lot of hue & cry from different sections of the society. People who never bothered about […]
Day 30 of Demonetization : Game changing announcements to incentivize digital payments
After the historic announcement of #Demonetization on 8th Nov , India witnessed an unprecedented shift in its behavior and attitude towards handling money. Though going cashless was the […]
My journey from being AAPtard to being Bhakt
All those who are close to me and know personally, have been well aware about my political leanings, my thoughts about India, its political system and other […]
Looks are deceptive #WillYouShave
It was 3rd year of my engineering. The semester exams had just got over. I was totally exhausted mentally and physically. I needed a break. Winters had engulfed […]
When Opportunity knocked #WillYouShave
It had been 30 days since he first came to a new world.It was his most cherished dream. He was in his dream college.The hard work which he […]
Inspirational Thought for the day #1
To Love, when it can be Lost, To Go on, when progress seems futile, To believe in every fiber of the body; To love, to hope […]
The last Sigh ..
And before I knew it, I had hit “Send “. The mail had been sent, it took some time for me to come to terms for […]
How do you feel when….
There are various moments in life which make you feel sweet,bitter,puts in reminisces,cry,remorse,rejoice or embarassed.Sharing here few of those moments which I could remembered.
Does true love really exist ?
There is an old saying “whatever happens , happens for Good !!! ”
But in real life is it really true ?
Can an event really change your life forever , even if fate chooses to snatch away the most precious thing from your life ?
Here is a story inspired from true life.Read it to believe it