
Looks are deceptive #WillYouShave

It was 3rd year of my engineering. The semester exams had just got over. I was totally exhausted mentally and physically. I needed a break. Winters had engulfed […]


The last Sigh ..

    And before I knew it, I had hit “Send “. The mail had been sent, it took some time for me to come to terms for […]


How do you feel when….

There are various moments in life which make you feel sweet,bitter,puts in reminisces,cry,remorse,rejoice or embarassed.Sharing here few of those moments which I could remembered.

True Stories

Does true love really exist ?

There is an old saying “whatever happens , happens for Good !!! ”
But in real life is it really true ?
Can an event really change your life forever , even if fate chooses to snatch away the most precious thing from your life ?
Here is a story inspired from true life.Read it to believe it



There are times in life when a person feels completely lonely. When ghosts of past haunt him. When he feels left out and orphaned in a crowd. The […]