The 7th Sense !!

There are times in our lives when incidents defy logic,when turn of events surprises us, when we ponder and scratch our heads in disbelief,when we are shaken to the core ,when the science fails to explain us the mystery and we are forced to believe that there  does exist some unexplained power, a concept ,a void.
Today I would like to put forward some experiences from my life in front of you.Some may term them  as telepathy,some as mere coincidences  but I call it 7th sense:

1) Phone call from a person you were just thinking about:

Have you noticed that at times when you were lost in thoughts about some old friend or any person who is or might have been close to you.The good & bad times you had spent together with him/her, and you were wishing  to speak to him and lo.. the very next moment your cellphone rings and you see the same person calling you.
Happy feeling huh ?? But do you think it is just coincidence ?

2) Meet someone in a crowded marketplace about whom you were just thinking:

Did it ever happen that you had just entered any mall or a crowded place and there is a feeling cropping up about any person or friend and the very next moment you just bump into him.
How can it be just a coincidence to meet that particular person amidst the crowd of hundreds of people present there ?

3) Dream turns out to be a reality:

I don’t dream much  but when I do I try not to forget what I dreamt about,better still I make a note of it.You may call me crazy but I didnot have this habit earlier.
What if I say that I see some future events in my dreams ? You may laugh at  me, so did my parents and other confidants till I started noting down my dreams with date and when that particular event happened I showed them the date of note to prove my point.I have seen numerous events related to myself and my near and dear ones.Many happy moments like birth of someone ,achievement in feat and many sad ones like death of some people.
I have seen many unknown places in my dream like my college hostel room (years before when I was in school), some people speaking some particular statements which did happen at some later time etc. the list is endless.And when I happened to reach that place and see/hear the person saying the same line in same sitution ,I was speechless.
Still don’t believe me ? But its true.

4) Next person hums the same song:

Has it happened with you that as you entered your house thinking about some very old song in your mind and the very next moment you hear your younger sister or roommate singing that song…happily surprised na ??
Better still you were about to say some particular and typical statement and the person next to you says the same before you could speak out.And you just laugh off saying “Tumne mere munh ki baat cheen li…”
but  can it be just coincidence ?

5) An accident which got averted:

You are all geared up to go some place for some urgent work but something (a voice from inside) says  not to move out at this time or change the route which you had taken .You obey to that voice and you discover later after sometime there was an accident of the train or bus you were about to board.Your heart is in your mouth,isn’t it ?
You are standing at someplace waiting for someone and something from inside drives you to move just a  little bit from that position and the very next moment the roof or tree or a water tanker falls at the position where you were standing just a moment ago.Are these guardian angels ? Well I don’t have any answer so I call them 7th sense.

6) People visiting their near and dear ones for one last time after death:

Sounds creepy !!!!
But it’s true.Let me tell you a real incident of a person very close to me (have to hide the identity of person).
About 30 years ago a couple were sleeping hundreds of miles away from their hometown.At about 5 am in the morning there is knock on the door.
The lady wakes up and opens the door to see her grandfather standing in front of her.She is shocked and says in surprise “Dadaji aap…”
Dadaji says “Beta bas ek baar dekhne aya tha… apna khayal rakhna …”  and he disappears.The lady faints.
Later when she narrated the incident,the husband just listened but didnot seem to believe her words.
Couple of hours later comes a telegram mentioning that dadaji had expired in the morning.
Well !!! is there any explanation for this incident ?
Incidents similar to mentioned above  might have  gone  unnoticed by many of us or people might have  feared to share with others thinking they may be mocked about and often they are.But these unexplained,supernatural incidents does point to something.
I term it 7th sense.
I know very few will believe me but I am writing my heart out here.
Would like to hear your honest opinion about such incidents.I am ready  to accept any criticism too but request you to be honest enough to share your views.
NB : The above mentioned incidents are few pages from the book of my life which I always feared to share with anyone.
I thought hundreds of time before writing this post fearing people may term me crazy,stupid etc.But finally I decided to write “If others think me crazy let them think so … I will write down”

15 thoughts on “The 7th Sense !!

  1. Hey Ravindra, I soo agree with u on most of them.. All of these do happen to us but I guess we don’t give them a taught like you have done:)

  2. Its all about conincedent,such type of incident happened with me couple of I found your blogs really helped me to rejuvenated my old memory.
    Nice blog Ravindra keep posting………:)

  3. Hi Ravindra, Nice blog and these things happen lot of times to lot of people around us. It happens to me lot of time espicially the inner voice which at times tells me something is wrong and i should not do it. I call it my instinct and i do trust that blindly because mostly it correct. Keep writing!!!

  4. Raju,

    You are good in bringing the aspects of the life which people hesitate to discuss publicly. The one which you named as 7th instinct, i call it as my own instinct, which has given lot of early indications of future numerous times, and infact the last one which did occured to one of my closest person.
    I do believe in these early indications, and it helps me to take certain decisions, which turns out to be good to me.

    Nice collection of thoughts… Keep writing…


  5. Agree with you. I have myself come across many such incidents. They are too often to be termed coincidences. Usually people don’t pay heed to them but if one is more observant, he will definitely notice such events and happenings in his day to day life. And I’m glad you chose to write about it for we should write to express ourselves, to our mind’s content, not to play to the galleries. But alas! A language is yet to come up, in which you can articulate all your thoughts, or maybe words will never be enough. Thanks for this wonderful post and awaiting your next. 🙂

  6. Rajput..these all points are very much it intuitions,coincidence or whatever..these things do happen..:)..Being a cancerian i myself is intuitive and many times get indications of something wrong or unusual going to happen with me..hehe..:P

  7. Raju Ji,

    I bet u r the next “M Night Shyamalan” in the making. This kind of thinking comes surely from a great mind. Things which normally get little of our attention become an artist’s muse and he creates a marvel out of it!

    Great going. Hope to see you in the league of these extraordinary gentlemen some day!


  8. You are right, Raju Bhai.
    We all have seen these types of things in our life. You can say it 7 sense or some things else, but it’s true……………
    And it shows there is a power (not Ram, Shiva Allah……)
    Power (Indescribable Source of energy) which is controlling and coordinating this “ADI ANANT BRAMHAND”

  9. @Anjum
    then start giving some thought about them … you may find it more interesting than anything else
    as you say bro…coincident for you…. but keep noticing may change your preception some day
    Thanks dear..I am aware about your instincts and this is what I wanted to speak about in this blog..
    thanks for visiting ..Keep smiling

  10. I agree with you on this for sure, being a believer in this since the start :)… but just one question why did you term it the 7th sense???? what makes it different from the fabled 6th sense???? is it because 6th is supposed to be restricted to a single person while this is about a network between people not really understandable????

  11. I agree human has extra-ordinary power within him unknowingly…
    Also i hope GOD only created the living beings and things.

  12. Partly true … neither i have not experienced all of it or heard any incident … at times there is a feeling of deja vu … cnnt xplain it though …

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