The End or the Beginning ?

“This is the final boarding call for Mayank Sharma for his flight IC414,Bangalore to Delhi ..”
Mayank could hear it while he was running towards the bus to carry him to the plane.It was not typical Mayank who had always been punctual about his time,but today it was a special day for him.The meeting with the overseas client had extended beyond the expected time but he had cracked the deal which would turn his fortunes around.The long cherished dream of being an entreprenuer for which he had made major sacrifices in life would be realized soon.The client had given final comment “This product will revolutionize the Indian music industry ..Bravo !!”

He was all lost in thoughts ,dreaming about his past and weaving upcoming future life,while panting to take some breathe.Finally he entered the plane and matched his seat no 19B,sat down and closed his eyes, still gasping for breath.

Before he could come to terms with himself, he was taken aback by the sweet familiar voice which came next to him”Hey Mayank how are you ?”
He openend his eyes to see the miracle of his life “Khushi !!!! Heyaa… Oh my god ” and both were smiling as their eyes were interlocked and emotions were gushing up, recalling the sweet past they had.
There was stillness between them for a minute or so when Khushi said “So how is life? kya chal raha hai.”
“Its Ok, cracked the deal of my life today and soon will be rolling out my own venture.What about you ? How is Vivek and his firm doing ?”
“Hey and kids ?? It has been 5 years and 3 months of your marriage na ?”

Khushi was silent and still, Mayank realized something is wrong and he did a blunder by asking this question.
Breaking the silence she finally spoke “Mayank our marriage broke just after 6 months,and we divorced each other a year later”

“What !!!” Mayank exclaimed.”Why didn’t you ever tell me about all this.You went through all this and never ever called me up?”
“How would I have called you up Mayank.Kis muh se call karti ? tell me ? I was the one who dumped you for Vivek.My parents convinced me that my future was secure with Vivek who was a rich businessman”
“But I realized that it was the most foolish decision of my life,and now I should face the consequence all by myself”a tear rolled down the cheeks of Khushi as she said.
Mayank was speechless,gathering himself he consoled her , putting his hands on her shoulders.
Khushi “Leave it anyways, tum batao.Kaisi hai life and how is your family life ?”

“Family !! which family ?? .I had always dreamt of marrying only one person in my life whom I loved the most.But she left me when I needed her the most.Then I decided not to marry ever”
“What !!! You didnot marry ?”said Khushi “This is my fault, I should have understood your feelings and should not have forced you to…” while she was about to say further Mayank interrupted her “leave it yaar ,all is past now”
They continued to talk about the good old days of their college life and how they had spent their best moments together.Time stood still between them as they went back in golden times of their lives,college,canteen,malls,movies,phone calls,tears,fights,pranks…The talk would have gone endlessly but
soon the pilot of the plane made annoucement to tie seat belts as Delhi had arrived and plane was about to land.

Standing at the exit of IGI airport in front of their respective taxis they were looking in eyes of each other.
Their eyes were doing all the talking,both had to say a lot of things,but couldnot utter even a word.How they wished that this moment continues forever.
Somewhere in their hearts they didn’t want to loose each other again,at least not this time.
Finally Mayank broke the silence with a heavy heart “Ok Khushi , chalta hun …..” as he waved his hands and turned to open the taxi window.He didnot have the courage to see Khushi going away from him second time in his life.
“Mayank !!!!” Khushi screamed as she ran towards Mayank and hugged him.
Sobbing she said”Sorry Mayank ,I am really Sorry I don’t want to loose you again !!! Please don’t go !!”
“Even I don’t want to loose you Khushi”said Mayank ,as he embraced her tightly.

They both entered the taxi and Mayank instructed driver “Let’s go home”

The End Or the Beginning ?? Whatever you may call it but destiny sometimes plays strange games with human beings.

9 thoughts on “The End or the Beginning ?

  1. I could see your typical story telling lines here. But, this time around, the climax rushed in (just my opinion). The plot could have rolled on a bit more. Nice imagination though. I assume it’s imagination or is it??? Ravs… bro…. kisi ki asli story tho nahi hai na……

    Nice one….. could have been longer.

  2. @Manas
    This is a work of pure fiction.Not inspired from any true story…
    Appreciate your opinion… will keep in mind next time when I write

  3. i know its fiction for sure :)… but i also know many people wish this so much… life’s a bitch sometimes and kills u in the end too ;)…..

  4. @Parth
    True bhai so true… we often wish this happen to in real life too…. what a moment it would be to get back your lost love of life..
    These wishful thinkings are what makes love go around .. hai na ???
    Thanx bro… it was intentionally kept that way.. sometimes its better to leave things unsaid to make them more beautiful… this is what my views were while writing this article and I tried to inculcate it here..

  5. What i always say you are a terrific writer and this time too you proved it right ..
    But i could see that many of your posts revolve around a specific genre “Loosing the Love of life” .. Some of these finishes on a Happy note while other ends up on a bitter note .. What i found is all your posts carries a positive message and feelings except the genre mentioned above ..
    I truly believe it is always better to say the things so that we don’t finish off Losing by a margin or finding ourself in a situation like in Tryst with destiny ..

  6. you really script well!!!! but i wish the end could be more practical. We give undue importance to love but life is more practical. I just think like that…. but u write gud…

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