- Believe in yourself, believe you can succeed.
- Vaccinate yourself against excusitis, the disease of the failures
- The thinking that guides your intelligence is much more important than how much intelligence you may have.
- Remind yourself several times daily My attitudes are more important than my intelligence
- Get used to having older persons working for you.
- Invest in future time in doing what you really want to do.
- Fear is success enemy No. 1
- All confidence is acquired , developed.
- Action cures fear. Indecision , postponement , on the other hand, fertilize fear.
- Its 10 time easier for an employed man to get another job than it is for someone unemployed to connect.
- Isolate your fear , pin it down, then take appropriate action
- Deposit only positive thoughts in your memory bank.
- Withdraw only positive thoughts from your memory bank
- Destroy the negative thoughts before these thoughts become mental monsters.
- Get a balanced view of other fellow. Put people in proper perspective
- Develop an understanding attitude.
- Do whats right and keep your confidence. Thats thinking yourself to success. Practice doing those things which your conscience tells is correct.
- To think confidently , act confidently.
- Remember motions are precursors of emotions.
- Be a front seater
- Practise making eye contact.
- Walk 25% faster.
- Practice speaking up.
- Smile big
- How big we think determines the size of our accomplishments.
- You are bigger than you think.
- Never ,never , never sell yourself short.
- We dont think in words and phrases . We only think in pictures and/or images.
- Big thinkers are specialists in creating positive, forward-looking, optimistic pictures in their own minds of others. To think big we must use words and phrases which produce big, positive mental images.
- Four ways to develop big thinkers vocabulary :
- Use big, positive, cheerful words and phrases to describe how you feel.
- Use bright , cheerful, favourable words and phrases to describe other people.
- Use positive language to encourage others. Compliment others often.
- Use positive words to outline plans to others.
- Look at things not as they are , but as they can be. Visualization adds value to everything. A big thinker always visualizes what can be done in the future. He isnt stuck with the present.
- The price tag that world puts on us is just about identical to the one we put on ourselves.
- Practice adding value to things.
- Practice adding value to people.
- Practice adding value to yourself.
- Good Speaker :
- Knowledge of what hes going to talk about and an intense desire to tell it to other people.
- They have something to say and they feel a burning desire for other people to hear it.
- When you feel like taking negative action , ask yourself, Is it really important ?
- Keep your eyes focused on the big objective.
- In marriage the big objective is peace, happiness, tranquility not winning quarrels or saying I could have told you so.
- Stretch your vision. See what can be , not just what is. Practice adding value to things , to people and to yourself.
- Get the big view of your job.
- Think above trivial things.
- When you believe something is impossible, your mind goes to work for you to prove why.But , when you believe, really believe,something can be done, your mind goes to work for you and helps you to find the ways to do it.
- Your mind will create a way if you let it.
- Believe it can be done
- Eliminate the word impossible from your thinking and speaking vocabularies.
- Think of something special you have been wanting to do, but felt you couldn’t.
- Be progressive
- Its isn’t so much what you know when you start that matters .Its what you learn and put to use after you open your doors that counts most.
- Big success calls for persons who continually set higher standards for themselves and others,persons who are searching for ways to increase efficiency ,to get more output at lower cost,do more with less effort. Top success is reserved for the I-can-do-it-better kind of person.
- Capacity is a state of mind.
- It never pays to turn down what looks like an opportunity.
- The success combination is to do what you do better (improve the quality of your output) and do more of what you do (increase the quantity of your output).
- Top-level leaders in all walks of life spend much more time in requesting advice than they do in giving it.
- To get mental stimulation ;
- Rub shoulders and minds with other success-oriented people.
- Join and participate in at least one group outside your occupational interests.
- To harness and develop ideas :
- Dont let your ideas escape. Write them down.
- Next review your ideas.
- Cultivate and fertilize your idea.
- Shape up the idea on paper.An idea written or in some sort of pictures or diagram form has many times more selling power than idea presented only in oral form.
- Dont let tradition paralyze your mind.
- Ask yourself How can I do it better ?
- Ask yourself How can I do more ?
- Practice asking and listening.
- How you think determines how you act.How you act in turn determines : How others react to you.
- Look important- it helps you think important.
- Your physical exterior affects your mental interior.
- The point is : the better you are packaged , the more public acceptance you will receive.
- Think your work is important.
- Always think I am important . I do have what it takes. I am a first-class performer. My work is important.
- A person who thinks his job is important receives mental signals on how to do his job better ; And a better job means more promotions , more money , more prestige and more happiness.
- The way we think about our jobs determines how our subordinates think toward their jobs.
- Practice uplifting self-praise.Dont practice self-punishment.
- Give yourself a pep talk several times daily. Build a sell-yourself-to-yourselfcommercial.Remind yourself at every opportunity that youre a first class person.
- Recondition yourself for success.
- People who tell you it cannot be done almost always are unsuccessful people, are strictly average or mediocre at best in terms of accomplishment.
- Be sure youre in the flock that thinks right.
- Make it a rule to seek advice from people who know.
- Dos to help make your social environment first class :
- Do circulate in new groups.
- Do select friends who have views different from your own.
- Do select friends who stand above petty,unimportant things.
- Thought poison is 0 percent right thinking : it is 100 percent wrong thinking.
- People do more for you when you make them feel important.
- When you help others feel important, you help yourself feel important too.
- You must feel important to succeed. Helping others to feel important rewards you because it makes you feel more important. Try and see. Heres how to do it :
- Practice appreciation.
- Practice calling people by their names.
- Dont hog glory, invest it instead.
- Always give people more than they expect to get.
- Grow the I am activated attitude
- Dig into it deeper.When you find yourself disinterested in something , dig in and learn more about it. This sets off enthusiasm.
- Life up everything about you : your smile,handshake, your talk and even your walk.
- Broadcast good news
- Success depends on the support of other people.
- A person is not pulled up to a higher level job. Rather, he is lifted up.
- Being likable makes you lighter to lift. Successful people make a plan for liking people.
- Be a comfortable person so that there is no strain in being with you.
- Take initiatives in building friendships leaders always do.
- 3 facts to remember :
- Recognize the fact that no person is perfect.
- Recognize the fact that the other fellow has a right to be different.
- Dont be a reformer.
- Give first class treatment to your employees and you get first class cooperation , first class output.
- The more successful a person , the more he practices conversation generosity.It wins friends and helps learn more about people.
- Dont be a conversation hog.Listen,win friends, and learn.
- How you think when you lose determines how long it will be until you win.
- When things go wrong do 2 things :
- Ask yourself What can I do to make myself more deserving of the next opportunity ?
- Dont waste time and energy being discouraged. Dont berate yourself. Plan to win next time.
- An only fair idea acted upon , and developed ,is 100 percent better than a terrific idea that dies because it isnt followed up.
- The test of a successful person is not an ability to eliminate all problems before they arise, but to meet and work out difficulties when they do arise.
- Two things to do to help you avoid the costly mistake of waiting until conditions are perfect before you act :
- Expect future obstacles and difficulties. You cant eliminate all the risks.
- Meet problems and obstacles as they arise.
- Ideas are important. A good idea acted upon brings enormous mental satisfaction
- Use action to cure fear and gain confidence. To fight fear, ACT. Action cures fear, it builds confidence.
- Most of the good ideas come from just getting to work.
- People that get things done in this world dont wait for the spirit to move them; they move the spirit.
- Use pencil and paper most of the times.
- For developing the initiative habit do the following :
- Be a crusader. When you see something that you believe ought to be done, pick up the ball and run.
- Be a volunteer.
- Be an activationisst
- Start your mental engine mechanically. Dont wait for the spirit to move you. Take action , dig in and you move the spirit.
- Victorios people differ from others in their response to defeat.
- Savage something for each setback.
- We can turn setbacks into victories.Find the lesson,apply it, and then look back on defeat and smile.
- Defeat is only a state of mind and nothing else.
- Have the courage to face your faults.
- A failure is a man who has blundered but is not able to cash in on the experience.
- Instead of blaming luck , research those setbacks. If you lose, learn.
- Persistence blended with experimentation does guarantee success.Stay with your goal but dont beat your head against a stone wall. Try new approaches. Experiment.
- Tell yourself There is a way
- Back off and start afresh.
- There is a good side in every situation. Find it. See the good side and whip discouragement.
- Have the courage to be your own constructive critic.
- GOAL Its a dream being acted upon.
- The important thing is not where you were or where you are but where you want to go.
- Before you start out,know where you want to go.
- The one department which has the most influence over the other department is your work.
- Desire when harnessed is POWER.
- Success requires heart & soul effort and you can only put your heart &soul into something you really desire.
- Energy increases, multiplies,when you set a desired goal and resolve to work towards that goal.
- Surrender to your goal. Really surrender. Let it obsess you and give you the automatic instrumentation you need to reach that goal.
- Set goals to get things done.
- Goals , intense goals can keep a person alive when nothing else will.
- Progress is made one step at a time.
- Commit this question to memory and use it to evaluate everything you do. Will this help take me where I want to go ? If the answer is no, back off; is its yes, press ahead.
- Prepare to take detours in stride. When we detour , we dont have to change our goals. We just travel a different route.
- Two sound self-investments which will pay handsome profits in the years ahead:
- Invest in education.
- Invest in Idea starters.
- Resolve to purchase at least one stimulating book each month and subscribe to two magazines or journals which stress ideas.
- Write your 5 year plan.Build 30 day goals.
- Four leadership rules or principles are :
- Trade minds with the people you want to influence.
- Think : What is the human way to handle this ?
- Think progress, believe in progress , push for progress.
- Take time out to confer with yourself.
- To get other to do what you want them to do, you must see things through their eyes.
- Any body can hire a man. But the test of leadership is how one handles the dismissal.
- Four simple steps to handle non performers :
- First , talk to them privately
- Second,praise them for what they are doing well.
- Third, point out the one thing at the moment that they could do better and help them find the way.
- Fourth, praise them again on their good points.
- Let your action show you put people first.
- Two important thing to develop your progressive outlook:
- Think improvement in everything you do.
- Think high standards in everything you do.
- Believe in- and push for progress; and you will be a leader
- Successful leaders tap their super-power through being alone. The decision s and observations made alone in managed solitude have an uncanny way of being 100 percent right.
- Select a time when your mind is fresh and when you can be free from distractions.
- How to use the Magic of thinking Big in Lifes most crucial situations :
- When Little people try to drive you down, THINK BIG . Think Big enough to be immune to attacks of petty people
- When that I-havent-got-what-it-takesfeeling creeps up on you, THINK BIG.
- When an argument or quarrel seems inevitable , THINK BIG.
- When you feel defeated, THINK BIG
- When romance starts to slip, THINK BIG
- When you feel your progress on the job is slowing down, THINK BIG.
NB: These are my takes from the book “The Magic of Thinking Big “