What is a Pescatarian?
Well Pescatarian are those people who are vegetarian with an exception that they eat fish and other sea foods. These people don’t eat any other meat products from animals. They maintain a vegetarian diet.These are the people who will eat all kinds of vegetables but avoid meat like chicken, pork, beef, steak , mutton, eggs etc. Their diet will however contain fish and other seafoods like lobsters ,crabs etc.
There is a lot of debate going on whether a Pescatarian is a vegetarian or non vegetarian. In my opinion he is non vegetarian. The reason is that he is still eating meat though from sea animals. But I would also like to mention here that if one wants to switch from being non vegetarian to vegetarian and find it very difficult in doing so , they can opt this option.
It is one step at a time to achieve that coveted target of being pure vegetarian. This is especially helpful for the people who get meat cravings and find it very difficult to survive without it.
Being Pescatarian has various health benefits which I would like to mention here :
- It is beneficial for your health.
- It is good for environment
- This is being less cruel towards animals
- Eating certain kinds of fish raises HDL levels and some fish are a convenient source of omega-3 fatty acids and have numerous health benefits in one food variety.
- A 1999 meta-analysis of five studies comparing vegetarian and non-vegetarian mortality rates in Western countries found that in comparison with regular meat-eaters, mortality from ischemic heart disease was 34% lower in pescatarians, 34% lower in ovo-lacto vegetarians, 26% lower in vegans and 20% lower in occasional meat-eaters.