My first Blogging Anniversary !!!


Exactly a year ago, I was undergoing one of the most turbulent phases of my life.

When too many uncomfortable events and happenings had surrounded me and I was feeling so very helpless to express my feelings and thoughts even to my near and dear ones. Then one day I got a mail from TG Sir about the new blogging forum TGTown.

I had never written a blog before though I had been writing diary since school days.

I had so much to share, discuss, debate about, vent out my feelings and hear from others but was not getting correct person/s who could have understood me.

But then an idea struck me “What if I share my feelings, my life, my thoughts etc.  In the form of stories of 3rd person …and leave on internet.. !!  Whoa !!! May be some likeminded people can understand my feelings?”

Excited by this idea I wrote my first blog post Love happens only Once rest is just life and posted in TGTown.

As I wrote more I realized it is the best habit to vent out our feelings and also to get connected to other person’s feelings and emotions.

Whenever I write a story about someone I put myself in that character and write exactly what I would have felt if I were in his shoes. Words and emotions were just flowing from my heart and that’s why I named my blog’s name as Direct Dil se…

I didn’t have to wait much before comments and discussions started from both my real life friends and TGites.

It was just a beginning and soon there were many posts inspired from real life. Believe me, by keeping the identity hidden I was able to get honest opinion about many situations and it helped people who wanted to take some important decisions.

A lot was happening in and around too which could not be left behind and thus posts from other areas were hot too.

Meantime people approached me to write about their life and keep their identity hidden. Also there were many comments I got, where people told their real life experiences and emotions but requested not to publish them. I kept my words and never did so.

The  TGTown was abuzz with posts from different people and different ideas. I was amazed with the variety and quality of content. It was such a fun to read these posts, comment on them and sometimes debate and discuss too. It was good learning experience since every blogger had an unique quality worth following.

In the past year I saw so many people making debut in blogging, very few could continue but all those who did were marvelous and as time passed we could see each other improving our writing skills.

I am a social animal and blogging here provided me an excellent opportunity to make some very good friends like Gayatri, Lover boy ,Invincible, Manjulika, Apurva ,Shika Singh and the list goes on.

I t has been the connect with these people and their ideas which has kept us all together so far.

Writing posts is no more blogging for me; it’s much more than this. It has become an integral part of my life. If I don’t write for a week or so I start getting a strange uneasy feeling inside that something very dear is missing from my life. I am happily addicted to writing and I want to enjoy this habit (addiction) as much as I can. This being one of the reasons why I obtained my own domain  to write some more whacky stuff and also to start a photo blog on the same site soon ,since photography is also my passion.

It would be unjust if I don’t mention the contribution of TG sir and Dagny mam who were so helpful and cooperative 🙂 . They shared their experiences and ideas and helped where ever we got stuck as a true friend, philosopher and guide.

I would like to conclude this post with thanks from the bottom of my heart to all those people who were connected to me and my articles directly and indirectly, those who read, whose who commented, those who praised and especially those who criticized since it helped me to improve better, and also those who never read it but promised to read my articles someday 🙂 , those known and unknown people who didn’t know that how much their life inspired me to write post  on them.

I pledge on the eve of new year to keep writing new posts in my own style of Direct Dil se..

5 thoughts on “My first Blogging Anniversary !!!

  1. Hey Raju… I knw u since long and m aware of ur in-animal 🙂
    I like your writing and m fond of that so keep going…
    But I may not be able to post comments…..
    and u will get to knw the reason too after Feb 😛 🙂

    Keep it up….


  2. Congratulations on completing one year !Blogging is so wonderful no ! My life would now seem incomplete without it ! Keep writing dil se !

  3. @Deepak
    Nothing is hidden from you i know and the reason too why you will not be able to post comments..but can wait fro you :P:P
    There will be more in coming days and as usual direct dil se…
    thanks ruchira for dropping by 🙂 Blogging indeed is a wonderful feeling and the one who does it can understant the real fun and joy of doing it.

  4. Wonderful!!! Congratulations!!!
    Ur posts have always been ‘direct dilse’…bilkul mast..
    And its really great we all are growing as bloggers..

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