“Hi Rahul ..!!! How are you? “
“It’s me Jasmine, hope you remember me”
“Oh Jasmine how can I forget you…errr I mean yes I do remember you.. it has been really long time since we last spoke”.
Suddenly life came as full circle for Rahul, and he went in his school days.
In a small town of Varanasi was a school known for quality education .No doubt best of students in and around that area marched there to take admission.
Rahul and Jasmine were no different. With dreams in their eyes and fire in their belly they too got admitted there. The best students had opted for Mathematics and had been allocated a separate section with best faculty and attention.
From the very first day Rahul had a special feeling for Jasmine. He was attracted towards her. With stolen glances he used to look her to a have a glimpse of her. As time passed by they both became “friends”.
His world did not end here .He had a group of friends who had joined him from his previous school, who kept him occupied in his free time. But Rahul always wanted to spend time with Jasmine and used to look forward for such chances , be it lunch time , laboratory practical , sports hour or morning assembly which they both used to conduct since they were in the same house.
Time was flying like anything and people were busy creating their future , roting the books for Class XII boards and IIT-JEE exams. Meanwhile as the days progressed Rahul’s feelings for Jasmine were growing more and more deeper. He thought about her all the time and wanted to express his feelings to her.
Though Rahul was a very outgoing guy he was very shy to express his feelings for Jasmine. Rahul’s friend somehow had understood his feelings , and without his knowledge approached Jasmine one day and said “Jasmine , Do you Love Rahul ??”. As expected Jasmine was stumbled and speechless, she had nothing to say to them and went away from there.
With passage of each day things were getting worse for Rahul .Add to it was pressure of studies to crack IIT .Somewhere Rahul was choking because of all these happenings in his life .
As fate had decided, IIT-JEE introduced negative marking for the first time in exams and because of sheer carelessness Rahul failed to qualify for it. He missed by 1.25 marks . His world came crashing down on him. Final nail in the coffin was yet to come.
Through common friends Rahul came to know that Jasmine and Anubhav were going around and had strong feelings for each other.
Rahul also noticed both of them talking quite often and concluded that what was said about both of them was indeed true. He cried like anything in his mother’s lap at home but never told the reason .
Rahul stopped eating and sleeping, he also stopped going to school as he had no reason left to do so.
He did not speak to any of his friends who dropped in his house to speak to him.
He had nervous breakdown and was totally broke.
Somehow he controlled himself and came for Board exams. Though he got decent marks but did not meet the expectation of all, since he was the school topper. This gave bloody blow to him .He couldn’t even go out of the house as people would pass sarcastic remarks on him.
On the last day of the school as everyone had come to collect the mark sheets he had decided to speak to Jasmine once and for all, but Jasmine was accompanied by her mother that day.
With watery eyes and broken heart Rahul had the longest journey back home. He was dreaming all throughout about Jasmine who was dressed in white suit that day ( which he did in his coming years of life)
“Time is the biggest remedy, it heals the deepest of wounds “But some wounds are never healed.
Rahul decided to prove himself and earn the lost glory .He left city to prepare for engineering and devoted himself in studies to prove that though he couldn’t make it to IIT but he deserved more than that.
All throughout these years Rahul dreamt only about Jasmine but consoled himself thinking Jasmine liked Anubhav.
Rahul’s friends in college were always amazed about him that he never ran after any girl whereas rest of the group was crazy about them . But Rahul’s dream girl who was in his dreams couldn’t be replaced any “OTHER” girl.
Someone has rightly said “Hardwork always pays”.Rahul got a campus placement in a MNC as a software engineer and could see his dreams coming true. In years that followed he went places , touring the world for onsite assignements.
The world is too small. For an assignment Rahul came to USA, the country which is known to fulfill all the dreams .
Who knew that life will bring him to crossroads. Through ORKUT Jasmine and Rahul came in contact with each other and lo Jasmine too was in US. Slowly as they had regular talks and they shared so many things about their school and college life.
Soon Rahul came to know from Jasmine that she never had any affair with Anubhav .It was Anubhav and his wicked friends who had spread such rumours. But Rahul’s happiness did not last long. Jasmine said that she had a boyfriend in India. Rahul was aghast again .
But Rahul and Jasmine both realized and accepted that they both liked each other.
Had Jasmine not had a boyfriend Rahul would have definitely proposed her, but he was refrained from doing so. Also Rahul’s family was searching for a girl to marry him off in India and his mother had even chosen one.
Meanwhile their friendship deepened. They both decided to have a get together and finally met.
Meeting Jasmine again after 8 long years, Rahul was speechless again and couldn’t even speak out his feelings . But ya they had a great time together.
Disheartened, repenting and with sad mood Rahul came back to his home.
Now Rahul was more restless and couldn’t control his feelings.
Though Rahul knew that Jasmine was committed to someone else and had decided to marry only him,Rahul decided to propose Jasmine .He just wanted to ease off the burden he had in his heart for past 8 years that he never spoke his true feelings to Jasmine.
He spoke to Jasmine in detail and spoke out his heart out, his true feelings and love for her and his intention to spend rest of his life with her.
But as was assumed Jasmine said “I love XXX and will marry him only by any means.I understand your feelings Rahul but i love him.”
Rahul was speechles for few minutes but then he had accepted Jasmine’s decision.Now he respected Jasmine more than ever since she had taken the correct decision to marry the person with whom she was in love.
Rahul decided to “move on” in life after this incident .
Rahul and Jasmine are still good friends and have decided to continue their friendship.
After all true friendship never ends……..It just LIVES ON…..
As u said “Love happens only once”..Bt lucky r those who get it “Twice”;) I believe we have got only 1 life to live n its we u who had to decide whom do u want to live with? Rahul should confront her..may b c will reject..may b c will never talk to him again..but god knows c says yes..n wat a bliss it would be to him.
Rahul’s destiny had something else… after intial shock he has decided to move On with life
good story dear frend…!! i think he shud find out who the boyfrend is….he shud become his frend and get to knw him asa person. If he is more deserving and if Jasmine wud be happy wid him den i dnt think he shud give her unnecessary tension. If she is happy let her be …after all if he really loves her he shud bother more about where her happiness and not his.
Hi brother,
I know this rahul very well, he is one of my best friend.My best wishes are alwyas with rahul, and was very close to this RAHUL.
My advice to this RAHUL is
Go and propose,
koi bhi kasar rah na jai.
Hey Dude,
I think Rahul should express his feelings to jasmine and place the ball on her court. Let her decide whom to choose. If she really has a deep and true love with Rahul then i think she will surely accept him.
So don wait.. Go a head and propose….. 🙂
Rahul´s a lucky guy….doosra mauka nahi milta bhai life me…specially when it comes to girls…
At least..it minimises the scope for regret !
Hi Sir,
Awesome post once again….there is rahul and jasmine in everyone of us….the best thing about it was irony…..wonderfully written:)
Hello sir .. just read your blog .. What i think is Before Rahul comes back to India he needs to give a try again .. With my fingers crossed i truly believe he will succeed .. My best wishes are with Rahul …
@Nainjot Singh
Thanks for ur concern bhai…
Rahul will do whaterver is in best interests of Jasmine… He too has kept his fingers crossed…
Sometimes magic happens in real life time… kya pata rahul ki life mein bhi ho jaye.. 🙂
Rahul u r lucky man!! But not that much , coz u don’t finally get her. I too sacrifice my feeling, love for a girl just coz she love some other guys, and today I respect her decision. Whatever u have done that’s great.