Adversity cause some men to BREAK ; others to break RECORD
How often we talk about successfull people and praise them for their achievements.
Many of us try to justify their success by saying they were talented , lucky or right person at the right time.
But I differ on this point. In my opinion it is because of only one reason i.e. ATTITUDE
Any success story, be it Lincoln,Bill Gates, Dhirubhai Ambani,Lakshmi Mittal , Sachin Tendulkar,Michael Jordan etc. is also a story of failure.
It’s just not that they succeeded in whatever and whenever they did.
They may be possessing talent ,but talent can provide you successs once or twice but not each time.It’s the attitude of a guy which takes him places.They have the never say die attitude, the ability to bounce back again when they are crushed by a defeat and hit bottom, when the world seems to be an end for them , they hold on & persevere with HOPE and BELIEF in themselves.They know how to handle themselves when faced with failure.
What normally happens with a person who is extremely talented ? -> He keeps on tasting success but when he is faced even by one failue (the reason may not be his mistake at all) he is prone to break and give up.This is where the real test of a person’s character comes into play and this is also end line for talent & starting line of ATTITUDE.
Adversities also provide us the opportunities to test our inner abilities and bring out other hidden talents which we may be unaware of.
Have you noticed how efficiently we work if we are given a task to do in a deadline, or how easily we understood and memorized stuffs a day before semester exam which we couldn’t do the entire semester 😛
After overcoming trouble what is the feeling ?? -isn’t it AWE… and tears of happiness !!! we pat ourselves “Oh my god !!I have done it finally ..yeapppieee!!!! ” and this feeling , THIS very confidence boosts our spirits enough to take us to newer heights.We are a changed person altogether.We keep throwing ourselves to new and bigger challenges and though we face failure once a while ,the grit to excel keeps us moving and this grit is what makes us successful in all the ventures.
A perfect example is Sachin Tendulkar whom I call GOD 😛
People may say he is talented but I would say it’s not only talent its also his discipline and attitude.See him playing in the field and you can
find out the child like enthusiasm still in him for the game even after playing 20 years of international cricket.He still practices each day,is humble and carries the hope of 110 crore Indians.He too faced career threatening injuries like tennis elbow,back pain,shoulder injury but he came stronger each time.
Not to forget the match in world cup against kenya where he scored 140 just after his father’s death; that shows the mental character and commitment of this great soul.
People had even written him off after some lean patch in his career.But he came back strongly and made all his critics praise him.You still call it TALENT ?? well I don’t.
Haven’t you noticed that a person who has failed and bounced back is mentally stronger than a person who hasn’t faced such hurdles in life ?
So what kind of person do you want to be ??
Remember if you have never failed you have never LIVED
Weird it may sound but failure and sorrow always made me more resolute…They provide a keen insight whch is so necessary for the all development!
Attitude is THE word…no doubt thwere
Very true :)..Failure is as important as success in our lives..and belive me success u get after facing failures is just awesome and just makes you feel confident and stronger.
ATTITUDE is what makes you or breaks you..
Very well written dear :)..Follow this always and life will be good always 🙂
I do believe failures make the person stronger but i don’t really appreciate sachin..He might have scored thousands of runs and reached lot of milestones,but he is not a real match winner..All he got is records..I dont think he won many matches for India(Of course there will be some,considering his extremely long career)..Yuvraj,Ponting,Gales,Gilli,Dhoni etc,….these people plays to win at the expense of their records..
That’s truly said.Of course the attitude makes a huge difference in all our undertaking 🙂
No doubt it is and always has been the attitude that determines one’s success…Well written Ravi and awesome pic too
@Lo”v”er boy
I totally agree with you dude.failure helps us introspecting ourselves and work upon the areas of improvement.
And then on we come out as more stronger person then before.
Thanks dear.I always try to do that and will continue in future too.
@John Rambo
Hey buddy i respect your feelings but I differ on your opinion.
I am a die hard Sachin fan and look upon him as one of my role models.
Nothing more to say
Attitude indeed is the driving factor for all success stories.
Thanks buddy.
This is one of my fav pic which i often keep as my desktop wallpaper.It sort of inspires me.
gud thoughts at one place… 🙂
i m in complete agreement with your words, specially,”a person who has failed and bounced back is mentally stronger than a person who hasn’t faced such hurdles in life”
our attitude n apititude are what make or break us
failures are part of life unless u have not faced the bad times in life you will not be able to enjoy the good times .So learn from the failures and enjoy the success.
Rightly said sir..
Awesome writeup as always..
but what i have learnt in my life is that attitude alone is not the cause of success..its one of the driving factors (as u have said.)
Multiplication result of many different things(timing,luck,effort…there are many) result in success and if any one of those goes to be near to Zero..The result is wat ppl call failure.
Dont hit me if i am sounding confused or lost 😛
keep writing…
hhmmmm… harsha bhogle waala video yaad aa gaya mujhe tere profile par :).. but a well written thing 🙂
I take failures are building blocks for long lasting success which always keeps you grounded
ur right buddy..sweetness of success is most cherished only when we have failed earlier and achieve success after
a lot of struggles.
dhanyawaad !!!!
there is nothing to say lost or confused .
timinig,luck,effort etc. are mere consequences of what you achieve due to your attitude.One who gives up the fight
may not utilize the opportunity in front of him and blame it as his bad luck.In simple terms LUCK is just like bringing a horse near a well
but its the attitude which can make him DRINK water.Similarly for life though sometimes the fight is long enough but one who keeps going till the end
emerges victorious, and we say he was lucky or got an opportunity ..what an irony !!! but the himslef
created that opportunity by his constant struggles ??
Thanks again for sharing ur views..i know we can debate a lot abou this topic