
Jab Tak Hai Jaan !!!!

                          This blogpost has been selected as Tangy Tuesday Pick by     There  is […]


How do you feel when….

There are various moments in life which make you feel sweet,bitter,puts in reminisces,cry,remorse,rejoice or embarassed.Sharing here few of those moments which I could remembered.


Final War Against Corruption

Few months back ,wearing “Main Anna hun” cap, I was amidst the crowd of people at India gate who were celebrating,dancing, rejoicing,singing with tricolor flags all around. The scene was […]


Breaking news of Future !!

Breaking news has no relevance nowdays.But what if same breaking news of future is told in present day ? Won’t it be humorous ? Read this blogpost to enjoy some of the possible future news.


The Lost Friendship !!

“Arrhhhhh, this pain will kill me“ Nishant blabbered as he entered in home, holding his head. His wife took a sigh of relief to see her husband back […]


Recession Alaa re !!!!

Economic recession gives wonderful opportunity to companies to do cost cutting.This blogpost contains some hilarious measures which companies may take to book profits.Read & Enjoy and also suggest if some more ideas strike your mind.