Does true love really exist ?

March 2006

It was 3 in the night,entire world was fast asleep in the comfort of their homes without any worries but not all are born with same luck……
The eyes were swollen and had turned red as amber,the tears had refused to stop  flowing.
It was only 5 hours back that he got a sms from Priya

“Hi Ankush,I am breaking off from you.Please don’t call or meet me again”.
He was dumbstruck after reading this sms.

He would continously call her  but she would not pick the phone.
Later Priya had switched off the phone.

Ankush picked his bike and went to her PG to find she had left for her home previous day itself.

Broken and shattered he was not able to control his feelings.He kept on trying her phone.

Finally his heartbeat increased as the call went through…
Ankush : “hello”
Priya  : “Hi”

Ankush : “I got a sms from you …is it a joke or a prank ? ”
Priya  : “It was no joke..”

Ankush : ” Whattttt  ?? Are you crazy  ? How can you do that ? ”
Priya  :  “See I don’t want to talk about it any more.I have already told you.
                It’s over…….(pause ) Please don’t call me again ”
April 2007

Ankush was tensed and nervous, frantically walking in his room.
He had tried opening the website of XLRI at least 30 times in the last 1 hour to check the result, but the results were yet to be  uploaded.
He would check his mobile for any sms from friend, walk to his mother, pray to God just to cool his nerves.
It has been a terrible last year for him.
Had a heartbreak in his 2nd year of B.Com. Percentage were not decent,thanks to the love affair which had kept him occupied for the last 8 years with Priya.
Had a back breaking preparation schedule for his final year and  for MBA preparation which had become his suo de motto after he was dumped by Priya.
He had hardly slept more than 4 hours all these months,studying gruelly which had temporarily diverted his attention from the unbearable pain he had by heartbreak.

Unfortunately he had a horrible CAT exam  where he marked his answers in wrong order in the OMR sheet even after solving them correctly,thus denying him any chances to make it to IIMs.
His only hope was XLRI, his last saviour.Not only to prove himself but also to fulfill the promise he once made to his childhood sweetheart.

Feb  2005
Janpath market,Lucknow

“Hey Priya, close your eyes ”

“why ? ”
“Are close na baba , I have something for you”
As she opened her eyes Priya saw a beautiful red rose and a sweet looking miniature statue of liberty in front of her.

“Wow !!!! this is awesome  …….”

“Ankush , you know it has been my wish to travel around the world, visit places,meet people , eat different kinds of food….”

“Priya , don’t worry I will take you to places…I will become a rich person one day and then we will travel together to places”

“Really  ?? you will take me  ? so sweet of you !!!”
“But how will you do that Ankush,your B.Com degree will not fetch any high paying job ?”

Ankush was silent,he had no answer.
10th August 2007
XLRI, Jamshedpur.

It was first day in the campus.
Batch of  60 new MBA joinees couldnot believe that they were part of induction programme in one of India’s premiere B-Schools.
The 60 pairs of eyes in the batch were glittering with happiness and pride for upcoming glorious 2 years here and the future which layed ahead post college.
In a corner was a person who sat with moist eyes ,lost in thoughts.

“It is only 1 year which I am asking  you to wait for me.”

“Just one year and everything will fall in place- a blue collar job, a handsome salary , trip to overseas , a golden future”
“I beg you … Please don’t leave  me .I love you”

“Please don’t go Priya !!! Please…”  Anksuh was on his knees begging Priya to change her decision.
But Ankush stood nowhere in comparison to the NRI doctor from US who was rich,Green card holder and would be taking Priya to dream land the very next month after marriage.

Ankush and Priya’s common friends tried to convince  Priya not to leave him as no one could have loved her more than he does.
But the glitter of money had overtaken the power of true love and feelings.
An inspirational love story was coming to a tragic end.

Priya got married next month and flew off to country of dreams -USA.


A hand shook Ankush’s shoulder,
“Hi ,Sorry to disturb you… but we need to move ahead for lunch.”
“Ohh… yes …let’s go”
“By the way I am Sulekha …… !!!”

August 2007- June 2009

A new place, a new begining, new people , new friends … and that too college friends who were to become lifelong relatives and confidants.
2 years in XLRI flew like anything.Classes, seminars, workshops,plays ,industrial trips etc. had kept them occupied.
But at the same time friendships flourished, relationships built up which heals deepest of wounds and soothens any pain, helping to move ahead in life too.

Finally it was convocation day , all were happy to have got plum jobs in big corporate houses with handsome packages.
But at the same time little sad that they would be separated.

“Hey Ankush …. I have known you for 2 years and believe me you have been  the sweetest friend and a confidant….”
“I don’t want to be just friends any more , rather looking forward to strengthen and deepen it…”

“Matlab ??”
“Matlab, you understand very well what I mean to say…I am in no hurry ..”
“I want you to take your own time , just think over it… I will wait for your reply”

Feb , 2010
My cellphone rings with Ankush’s number flashing on it.
“Bhai kaisa hai ?”
“I am good”
“I have a good news for you ..guess what  ??”

“hmmm…I am getting married next month…. you have to be there !!!”

“Wow … great yaar… I am happy for you”
“So finally shaadi ka ladoo khaane ko ready  ..hummmm ???”
“Yeah ….. I cannot get a better life partner than Sulekha… !!!”
And they have been LIVING HAPPILY EVER AFTER THAT.It has been wonderful life for both of them.Happily settled,earning decently , travelling across globe.
And Priya – she got  divorced with charges of infidelty on her husabnd after 3 years of her marriage.

PS: Inspired from a real life incident.

15 thoughts on “Does true love really exist ?

  1. In retrospect breakup with Priya turned out to be good. What if after their marriage she would have indulged in the same. Living through those times(breakup n all) is terrible, shattering and the person would loose out on oneself. As its said that’s life.

    Sometimes when something bad happens to you there is a possibility that it is meant to save you from something that is worse.

  2. messed up dude…. i hope the divorce thing isnt true… baki change blue collar to white collar jobs… the only mistake in a tautly written story :)… brief and to the point 🙂 like it…..

  3. So the bad things that occur look bad at the start but save you from the worst. And rest all is taken care of the Karma.

  4. Plus: Kept engrossed. Interesting story. Well composed.
    Negatives: Very common scenario typical ups and downs of a love story.

    On the contrary instead of titling it as “Whatever happens, happens for good”, I would call it, “Whatever happens, happen for reason”

    Had Priya not come in life he would have never thought of making a promise of getting into MBA, had he not made that promise, he would have never got into it.
    Had he not got into it, he would have never met Sulekha.
    Had Priya not broken his heart he would have never thought of marrying Sulekha.

    Had he not married Sulekha you would not have come up with this story.
    Had you not come up with this story I would have not commented.

  5. written nicely RAVS… 🙂
    I feel the end could have been better..

    Gr8 going…. keep it up.. 🙂

  6. Very nice narration. Simple and yet able to take you in days when we used to ponder..job..places..and a partner

  7. As per your PS, any comment here will affect the person 🙂
    Best part of the story – Composing and making one to do the time travel back and forth.
    Learning – Whatever comes in life, face it in bold way and keep moving, new happenings/opportunities are waiting for you.

    Additionally, i do agree with Vibhor on the sequence and move ahead part.

    Nicely written, keep writing…

  8. @Shweta
    Agree …most of tyhe times what appears to be bad for us results in something good which we couldnot see beforehand..
    Jhamajham readers like you keep on inspiring me to write more and more..
    Tried a different kind of writing style this time where reader has to travel back and forth in time to enjoy the story..will try to make it better next time…
    thanks for your feedback.
    Karma rules the world…
    Thanks for reading and ur honest feedback…
    kya karun dost every love story seems to be common now days.. just wanted to present it in a different style and flavour..
    AGree that title could have been better …will take care next time onwards..
    Had u not read and commented I too would have not understood my flaws..
    Will improve about endings next time onwards..
    Thanks dude
    @Anupam san
    Thank u sirji… Thanks for your feedback

  9. Hello sir,

    urr blogs always bring a smile while I read hem….awwesome stuff!! super like!!
    Such “gold diggers” are always here (both men and women) eventually true love is mutual and given by free will..happy for urr friend 🙂

  10. Amazing and Factual. Most common case with all. Only very fortunate ones find their true soul mates…Kudos Man…

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