Bye bye 2009 and here comes 2010. I would like to remember last year for good reasons and forget for the wrong ones. Life is very funny, it teaches you lessons in very strange ways.
Sometimes when things don’t happen the way we had expected them to happen we start questioning God and our destiny and however much self confidence a person may be having he may start doubting his potentials. I am no exception to it and had my own such experiences.
But as things happens we never realize that whatever is happening , is for a reason and when we turn our back to see the past we realize all that happened were mere dots which can be joined together now to form a beautiful picture of LIFE.
Indeed LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL , and we should always keeps smiling.
Whatever happens is for good and for a purpose.
I never make any resolutions for New Year, since I believe in living one day at a time and enjoy each moment of life as it comes.
But based on my certain lessons I learnt not only last year but so far in life I want to mention below 10 things I would like to accomplish beginning this year
Here are my DUS VIDANIYAN :
1) To laugh each day as much as possible and try to make at least one person smile.
I would consider each day as an achievement if I could make at least one person smile.
One of my close friend has very rightly said “People who make difference to your lives are never related to you, but they touch your heart with their selfless love and give you immense satisfaction and they never hurt you”.
I fully agree with this saying and will stick to do so, making each day special for me and for someone not known to me.
2) I will express my feelings truly and instantly, won’t wait for the moment because it may never come and or it may be too late.
There is lot of love in this world but the only problem with human beings is that we are shy enough to express them, or wait for a special moment to do so. But we forget that the each moment is special and Life is too short to wait for any SPECIAL moment to arrive. So if you have any feelings for anybody just express them then and there and see the happiness on their face and yours too. So what are you waiting for just pick up the phone and call your mom, dad, sister, girlfriend or your childhood crush and tell them how much you love them and how much they matter to you. The happiness you will see on their faces and in your heart is inexpressible in words.
3) I will Dream big , Dream high and Dream a lot
With both open and closed eyes, I have lots of dreams. The things I want to have, what I want to become or whatever .First of all I will dream about them and then go after them with full devotion and determination .Nothing is impossible to a willing mind and devoted heart. I really like the tagline of NIKE “Just do it”
4) Each moment is special, will just enjoy each of them. I love to take lot of pictures and save them, because each photo has a special story, a special moment and a special someone related to them. So this year I plan to capture as many moments as possible and will also share those with others mentioning the special moments related to them and how these moments touched my life in their own special way.
5) I will Forgive and forget
How often we cribble about wishes not fulfilled, people who hurt and ditched us , or the dream opportunity we missed , or the friend who was once your dear friend left you for someone else etc.
Just let go all these things, these feelings are a burden on your heart that are hurting you even more. Just forgive all these people and forget about those things. In this way you are doing favor to yourself not to them. We grow up with so many regrets with wishes not fulfilled, have our heart broken and we break others too, we learn that a person who wasn’t supposed to ever let you down will probably will. Life is too short and doesn’t come with second chance. So free the burden and forget and forgive others.
Life means to MOVE ON and this is the way it should be lived.
6) Own a Harley Davidson:
This is my dream machine and someday I will earn enough to own one for myself.
Till then I dream about it and admire myself riding out of my home.
7) Health is wealth:
Someone has rightly said you cannot love somebody without loving yourself.
So I plan to take good care of myself . However busy a person may be in the race of life the only thing which is always with you is your body and mind . So feed them properly with good food. Therefore I plan to exercise regularly ,join aerobics, play any sport , meditate , do yoga etc to keep body fit and nourish your mind properly with positive thoughts.
8) Call parents and friends as often as possible
I am an introvert who likes to keep things to myself and doesn’t speak much (that’s why I find this place perfect to express my feelings). How often I haven’t I spoken my heart out to my family and friends to let them know how special they are to me and how much they mean to me.
We all are stupid animals who need to express what we feel, especially in the busy world like ours now. So I have decided to call up my parents, friends, relatives very often and share with them my feelings. You never know how happy they may feel after doing so.
9) I will write letters and express each and every feeling of mine to all those friends , teachers , seniors, people who have contributed and impacted my life in their own way. Whatever I am and will be, is mainly because of these people who contributed selflessly for me .I owe them a lot and have to express them that I really feel indebted by it.
10) I will live a Kid’s life as much as possible.
I wish I may never grow up. A kid lives in each moment and doesn’t care about anything else.
He has no worries about what people may think about him , he is what he wants to be .
I will try to be just like him, enjoying each moment to the fullest
liked this das vidaniyan.hope you do everything written above.All the Best……..
Thanks Amit.. I am determined to do all these now onwards
Excellent…. one of better blogs… keep it up
A pure and right from heart Blog… It is very difficult for people to express in public i know and by doing so u have overcome one of your fears!!! Many a time in the rush and quest for many petty thing we forget the ones which are important and dear to us. We start thinking of things which would hardly make a difference to us…. UR Blog helps in stamping our feet to ground….. help us to realize that yes u still have a kid….. It is the choices we make make our lives…
Turely heart warming one!! 🙂
Beautifully expressed..i wish i were as expressive as u r..Lyf can be really easy if all follow these things..
But things are difficult to follow but i know u will ll follow them or atleast try..i am definitely going to learn from you.
Be urself and bring the old rajput whom i met in oct 2006..irrespective of the circumstances..
I liked 5th point the most coz it takes heart to do that..