India calling


Heard it, saw it , now believe it too.
Ever since I have passed class 12th life has changed for me in enterity.Though I had always been a free bird and enjoyed the priviliges given by my parents but post schooling  it has been more of independence and responsibility at the same time.Yes, I had to step out of home.Living independently,away from family and friends, visiting home just like a relative does.
In due course I made loads of friends and enjoyed to the fullest  whereever I went.Be it college,hostel ,in chennai after joining job,in alien countries where I had to visit for assignments.Never did I feel a longing for home or you may say “home sickness”(Its not that I don’t love my close ones  but I never got that feeling before). But this time it was different;I was a different ,changed person whose priorities in life seem to have changed a lot.
I have been shifting to different places ,meeting different people,trying different food & climate etc. but the sweet pain of going back home and staying with my family once again seems to have reached the peak this time.

And as I sit here waiting for the departure of my flight,the happiness within me is inexpressible.For the first time I am not having the nostalgic feeling of leaving a place though it has been almost a year staying at this place,rather it’s a moment of elation for me.The very thought of hugging my mom &  dad and eating those aloo paranthas makes me giggle like a 3 year old.

Airport provides amazing sights where the feelings of different people gives a confidence that “yes LOVE IS ESSENCE OF LIFE “.The very sight of people who are returning and  meeting & hugging their near and dear ones gives me goose bumps.The pain and sadness on the faces of people who are leaving their families to catch their flights is reminds me one of those times when I was leaving my parents to come here.

But now the wait is only 24 hours when I will be in India on Independence day ,back with my loved ones.Ind ia got independence in 1947 but for me 15 August 2010 will be etched as complete independence 😛

Ohh.. here comes the call for boarding …

So friends Sayonara for now and yes I have decided to keep myself  away from Laptop & internet for next 2 weeks.”Family first”

Will catch the action here again later all fresh and rejuvenated.

4 thoughts on “India calling

  1. Hi Ravindra,

    Welcome back to your Home. On 15th Aug.’10, i also thought the same thing that u are getting freedom on the same date,when india got,only the year is different.

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