Modi and art of hidden messages

Its not hidden anymore that Modi is a man of action.He has done what he has said or promised.That’s why whenever he says something , especially in matters of national importance one has to listen carefully and understand what he is saying. Even more, for things when he says in form of cryptic messages.

After attack in URI , in his first public rally in Kerala, Modi had come heavily on Pakistan, called Islamabad sole exporter of terrorism.What followed was first ever surgical strike which we all know.After Pulwama terrorist attack by Jaish he said that enemy has committed grave mistake and will have to pay heavy price for it and on 27th Feb , for the first time ever after 1971, our Air Force entered Pakistan and carried out air
strikes on training camps of Jaish-E-Mohammad.
Mind it , even for once, he has so far not said that Pulwama attack has been avenged.

Today, in an award ceremony he said “You spend your life in laboratories. You have a tradition of first doing a pilot roject. It is later scaled up.
So recently a pilot project happened. Now the real one has to be done.Earlier one was a practice.”

Knowing Modi , such a cryptic statement shouldn’t be taken lightly. There can be various possibilities for his statement:

1) The way Indian air crafts entered in Pakistan to destroy terrorist training camps, India may try similar operation to kill or bring back Masood Azhar, Hafiz Saeed or Dawood Ibrahim.
2) It can also imply that Indian forces may take a major operation again in near future, once
Abhinandan is back in India.
3) Pakistan already tried to
attack our military bases, which is direct escalation and an act of war. India may retaliate in return to destroy Pakistani army installations.
4) India can take action to break Pakistan in 2 or 4 pieces.
5) PoK may be recaptured.
Balochistan may be freed from Pakistan
7) Article 370 and 35A may be stashed.

Modi has unique risk taking ability and is never afraid to take bold decisions. So one should not be surprised if any or all possibilities mentioned above come to fruition soon.

These are interesting times which will determine the direction of future of India.I have full faith in our Prime Minister. So should you !!

Jai Hind !!

#NamoAgain #ModiHaiToMumkinHai #AbkiBaar400paar

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