True Stories

Does true love really exist ?

There is an old saying “whatever happens , happens for Good !!! ”
But in real life is it really true ?
Can an event really change your life forever , even if fate chooses to snatch away the most precious thing from your life ?
Here is a story inspired from true life.Read it to believe it



There are times in life when a person feels completely lonely. When ghosts of past haunt him. When he feels left out and orphaned in a crowd. The […]

True Stories

Love overtakes friendship

Sometimes the biggest shock and backstabbing comes from the person who is most close to you.Sometimes Love overtakes friendship, call it power of love or a curse.But in either of case a heart is broken beyond repair.


Delhi's Charismatic girls

Delhi girls have been typecasted as one who is selfish,bold and careless.
Men of varying ages are the ones who pass such comments.But has a typical Delhi girl has to say about it?
read here to know the other side of the story

Social awareness

Delhi’s Charismatic girls

Delhi girls have been typecasted as one who is selfish,bold and careless.
Men of varying ages are the ones who pass such comments.But has a typical Delhi girl has to say about it?
read here to know the other side of the story


An underdog's lovestory !!!

How much is just enough to know someone to take that BIGGEST decision of the life when you have decided that he/she is the person with whom you want to spend rest of your life ?
This is a true love story of my friend which may change your view entirely..Read on to enjoy it to the fullest

True Stories

An underdog’s lovestory !!!

How much is just enough to know someone to take that BIGGEST decision of the life when you have decided that he/she is the person with whom you want to spend rest of your life ?
This is a true love story of my friend which may change your view entirely..Read on to enjoy it to the fullest

Random thoughts

The 7th Sense !!

There are times in our lives when incidents defy logic,when turn of events surprises us, when we ponder and scratch our heads in disbelief,when we are shaken to the core ,when the science fails to explain us the mystery and we are forced to believe that there does exist some unexplained power, a concept ,a void.
Today I would like to put forward some experiences from my life in front of you.Some may term them as telepathy,some as mere coincidences but I call it 7th sense:

My life

My first Blogging Anniversary !!!

  Exactly a year ago, I was undergoing one of the most turbulent phases of my life. When too many uncomfortable events and happenings had surrounded me and […]