I have grown up hearing the usual comments that there is lack of opportunities in our country which forces best of our brains to leave India and work for developed countries. In every city , town , state , family group , school you would personally know brilliants of mind who left this county because they were offered handsome money elsewhere but more than that it was an opportunity to prove themselves and their talent were recognized.
We Indians have false sense of pride when CEOs of fortune 500 companies like Google, Microsoft, Pepsi etc. are people of Indian origins or anyway connected to India. But what about the people who willingly decide to stay in this country, face extreme difficulties, challenges from bureaucracy, rotten system ,unsupportive society , lack resources but still make it big & achieve impossible feats ? What makes them give up life of luxury , secure future , comfort and instead choose a place where one is never sure how next day will pan out ? Will be even alive working for the nation ?
If I were to give one reason that would be PATRIOTISM, the love for the motherland. And this is the underlying theme of this movie is. Based on the life of Mr. Nambi Narayanan who is brilliant scientist and took our space mission to next level which could have been taken to further heights , had he not been falsely implicated as traitor by some coveted interests. Imagine the pain of a person who is patriotic to the core and he himself is charged to be a traitor ? What kind of pain and trauma would his family have to go through ? It’s matter of shame that it took 2 decades in court to prove his innocence .
Most of us didn’t even know about him or his contribution to our space program. This story is all about that and much more. He was framed so that Indian space program was not allowed to compete with International players. This movie is a tribute to all those unsung heroes, scientists , engineers, businessmen etc. who work day and night for our country but are pulled down by the system, by corrupt politicians and external agencies who don’t want to see India grow.
Very often we complain that Bollywood doesn’t make good, inspiring movies. Here is a movie which defies the odds and portrays actual events of truly inspirational hero who is still waiting for actual culprits to be punished. Now the onus lies on us to spread good words about this movie and make it a commercial success so that more such movies can be made in future.
Note: If you are looking for typical Bollywood masala movie with songs and dance , this movie is not meant for you.
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