Ever since #Demonetization was announced on Nov 8th , there has been lot of hue & cry from different sections of the society. People who never bothered about […]
Day 30 of Demonetization : Game changing announcements to incentivize digital payments
After the historic announcement of #Demonetization on 8th Nov , India witnessed an unprecedented shift in its behavior and attitude towards handling money. Though going cashless was the […]
My journey from being AAPtard to being Bhakt
All those who are close to me and know personally, have been well aware about my political leanings, my thoughts about India, its political system and other […]
We can PISS in public but cannot KISS ???
Can you guess what is common between MF Hussain and a common Indian ?? hmmm … Ok let me answer this one “Both are great artists “, but […]
Sakura : Beauty at its best !!!
It was a lazy Sunday morning In Japan , and I was all cuddled in my blanket when my phone rang, “Moshi Moshi Rajput san, ohayogozaimasu(good morning) !!” […]
Snoring : A blessing in disguise…!!!!
Last weekend as I woke up yawning and stretching myself, I saw both of my roommates sitting in front of me with coffee mugs in their hands. […]
A Suicide to remember…
Sometimes life changing moments come not from the greatest motivational speakers but from a smile of 4 year old child. Diya was one of those who saved a priceless life
Crystals of sugar and my Life…..
As I was writing the last piece of code, a pop up spruces up from my office communicator “TGIF” with Sunny’s name at the top , soon Anupam, […]
Dosti kal aaj aur kal
As I write this blog , just after watching the movie Love Aaj Kal(I don’t know how many times I have watched this movie) i just can’t stop […]
Dus Vidaniyan…my mantra to live life
Bye bye 2009 and here comes 2010. I would like to remember last year for good reasons and forget for the wrong ones. Life is very funny, it […]