This post is an announcement to the world that I have decided to write again regularly. A passion which got lost over time
Family Life – The most beautiful gift
If you ask someone what is the one thing that he values the most and its his/her most valuable asset, I bet 90% of the folks will include […]
If I got a Second Chance
In life we have to make several choices; some are by will but others by circumstances. In the process of pleasing and making others happy we forget & […]
Inspirational Thought for the day #1
To Love, when it can be Lost, To Go on, when progress seems futile, To believe in every fiber of the body; To love, to hope […]
The Lost Friendship !!
“Arrhhhhh, this pain will kill me“ Nishant blabbered as he entered in home, holding his head. His wife took a sigh of relief to see her husband back […]
A Suicide to remember…
Sometimes life changing moments come not from the greatest motivational speakers but from a smile of 4 year old child. Diya was one of those who saved a priceless life
Crystals of sugar and my Life…..
As I was writing the last piece of code, a pop up spruces up from my office communicator “TGIF” with Sunny’s name at the top , soon Anupam, […]