“Arrhhhhh, this pain will kill me“
Nishant blabbered as he entered in home, holding his head.
His wife took a sigh of relief to see her husband back to home after almost 36 hours in office.
This routine had been going on for the past 6 months.
In fact she had become used to such work timelines of her husband who worked in IT industry. The project deadlines had kept Nishant spend most of his time in meetings, deliveries, presentations with onsite clients.
But somehow now it was getting too cumbersome for Nishant, who was past his prime of youth and virility.
At the age of 42 years Nishant’s body had to bear more than what it could handle. But as the sole bread earner and responsibilities had kept him going despite odds.
When we were small we laughed less but there was infinite hidden happiness..
But as we grow up we learn to laugh to hide the unspoken sadness. This is Life ……isn’t it ?
“I will not eat anything, just want to sleep …”
“Please don’t disturb me for next few hours….”
He entered his room rubbing his deep red eyes which had been sleep derived for months, not even days or weeks.
He continued to sleep whole afternoon till late evening, when he realized someone pulling his blanket and shaking his legs.
He shouted “lemme sleep.. please!!!”
“You Idiot wake up , It’s me !!!” Said the figure standing in front of him.
Nishant tried hard to open his eyes and couldn’t believe who stood in front of him “Deepak… You son of a …..”
“looooong looooong time yaar” He jumped in his bed to hug his friend who was his chuddy buddy in college.
Nishant was last in touch with Deepak around 10 years ago. Busy corporate life and family responsibilities had taken precedence over their friendship.
They forgot each other as a rose is forgotten when kept in some old book.
They had so much to talk.
“Let’s go for a walk dude” said Deepak
They kept moving, talking about life, family, kids, career, their college crush, the hot chicks in college who now were aunties and mom of dozen kids, the teachers whom punished them etc.
Both had tears of happiness in their eyes,reminiscing about the past which they cherished the most.
“Nishant, I am sorry yaar for whatever I said to you due to that girl. She was not worth our friendship”
“Hhhahahahahahahah hahahahah” Deepak laughed loudly and said “Koi nahi yaar, it’s a past , what I missed most in life is standing in front of me , never to lose you again”
Meanwhile they had come on the outskirts of the city and it was already very dark walking along Kalindi Kunj. The fog had added to the freaking environment around them.
Deepak “Lets take that road towards sec-126 “
“But that road to SEZ leads to cemetry ?” said Nishant.
“Common dude are you still afraid ? ” said deepak
They continued moving.
As they were walking they could see a labourer coming from the other side carrying rucksack on his head, lost in his own world.
He struggled to walk in steady manner,it appeared he had more than enough quota of his daily liqour.
As he approached nearer to both of them Deepak said “Bhai saab time kya hua hai?”(What is the time ?) in a deep shrieking voice .
The labourer yelled “Ahhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Dropping his belonging he ran away.
Nishant burst into laughter and said “Deepak tu kabhi nahi sudhrega…You scared the hell out of this man”
“That fellow ran as if he has seen some ghost ” 🙂
Deepak stood in serious mood with expressionless face, “Nishant , that man was right !!”
“Right ?? bole to ?”
“Right means he has really seen ghost…Infact Ghosts”
“What are you speaking man? Now don’t try to scare me. I know these tricks of yours since college days.”
“Nishant, you are a dead man, you had died due to brain haemorrhage 3 hours ago !!!”
Nishant was stunned to hear that.
“Haven’t you noticed all this while ,as we moved you were not walking, simply floating in air?”
Nishant moved his head down to see that there was nothing below his waist; he was hanging in the air.
Raju, i must say your writing skills has improved and i could feel the difference.
For story part, the end was totally unexpected, but the truth is our lifestyle and the pressure which we take in our work-life can do this anytime.
Thanks Anupam san 🙂
Agree with you,IT has indeed taken toll on our health and our lifestyle.One may never now what kind of tragedy may affect us any time due to this.
Nice story , unexpected end !
That was cool, I’ll soon try and move out of IT
Aghosh!! End was really unexpected!! But shown the right picture of IT industry.. It could be happen with us also.. If we die this industry will not loose anything but our family, friends will… so love your family, spend time coz to do work is our daily routine.. dont spoil your life just because of work.. 🙂 Nice story!! 🙂
Gud one thriller
Great write-up!! I really appreciate your stuff and whatever you wrote here about “The lost friendship” seems to me really outstanding and therefore I would like to allocate about this issue with other. 🙂
Awesome story, superlike… !!!!!! 😀
Dats awsome and credit goes to the way you concluded the story…. poor labour….:) keep writing waiting for next one
Gr8 Raju………. nice………. 🙂
I just want to say, At the end of the day,nobody will remember your powerpoint presentations only you family and friends will remember you!! 🙂