These are some of the words which have been used against a person for last one year , especially after a mistake he did on 14th Feb 2014.
One year is not a short time, especially when you are at the receiving end of peoples comments & sarcastic remarks. And when these people are none other than your colleagues, friends , boss or any other person with whom who you spend most of the time, it is very difficult to justify your ideology and support for someone. I am no exception to this.
Below handmade caricature ( gifted by Deepak Singh ) has been there in my office cubicle for the same duration. I never removed it, even during the time he did mistakes or you may call as blunders or even in those time when people had literally written him off.
Its not hidden from anyone that I am a follower and critic of AAP. I criticize the wrongdoings of this party at the same time appreciate good things done by other parties. But my friends always had an objection why I was defending him. Well there is a reason for it.
It was 3 years back when it all started by so called Anna movement. There was anger in people and they were on streets boycotting the existing political parties and the system which had deep rot.
What happened in subsequent months & years is something which is not hidden in public domain. Despite so many challenges AAP won 32 seats Delhi elections and formed a government. It was sheer immaturity , pressure and a blunder of resigning from the CMs post which led to decrease in popularity and big question on its existence itself.Though the resignation was due to some other reasons but the justification was not accepted by other political class and people. What happened in Lok Sabha elections came as an eye opener to party and its followers. It was a make or a break time. Giving up was the easy way out, but winners are not quitters. Having realized the mistakes it was time for makeover. Lessons were learnt and execution started at the grassroots level. Each an every feedback was taken in letter and spirit and was worked upon. Volunteers made sure that their effort were counted and worked hard day d night.
The most difficult thing for anybody is realizing ones mistake , then accepting it and finally asking sorry for it. This happened for the first time in history of Indian politics, AK repeatedly asked pardon from people. Volunteers knocked on each door to ask sorry and understand the problems of people. AAP government did lot of things in 49 days of rule which people did acknloedge. AAP understood the pulse of people and knew that local issues were more important.
AK also changed his approach towards his opponents and kept his cool even when there was so much of mud slinging against him. All the hard work went on, in absence of TV cameras and TV studios. While the party workers of other national parties were raking on some kind of wave , ignoring the plight of people, AAP was there to help and share peoples pain. The money which was in MPLAD fund was properly utilized for peoples welfare by AAP MLAs as compared to other people who slept over peoples concerns . This was visible to people. BJP leaders had become arrogant it was visible to people. BJP workers were still basking in the glory of Modi and went in cocoon. BJP did lot of blunders in last 8 months and especially while handling elections in Delhi.
Before the elections when I used to say we will form government in Delhi, people used to laugh and mock. I said only one thing Wait for 10th Feb, we will again go to Ramleela Maidan for oath ceremony
Finally when the results were out, people were dumbstruck & surprised but not us. Winning 67 out of 70 seats was nothing less than magic, something which had never happened in the history of Indian politics. I had never enjoyed sharing sweets with my office mates as much as I had that day.
But at the same time, I would like to say that AAP should learn from the mistakes and sincerely work for the welfare of the people. If they fail , the last hope of reviving the rotten system will also fail.
No one will dare to take interest in active politics of this nation. All the best AAP !!
The victory of #AAP has filled me with optimism and hope for the future. The people have reposed faith in a democratic system where politicians are answerable to common man, where a common man is respected and his voice is heard by the highest echelon in authority.This victory has proved that honesty , hard work and humbleness can defeat any adversary. No amount of lack of resources can stop an idea whose time has come. This is a flame of hope which has been rekindled.
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