Whosoever has said that Hostel life is the best time of life must be a genius or a clairvoyant, I bow to him.
Read ahead to know why….
Ever since I have left my college, though I have learnt a lot of things but the reservoir of experience hostel life provided is incomparable. Each individual is an unique and antique creation in hostel or it just might be possible that by chance I had met all the unique ones in my hostel life..lol 🙂
Though there are many stories to share, with each person being an encyclopedia in himself; even if I write single quality about each of the 400 people this blog would last forever and ever.
So today I would like to share one out of those “types” which I met and which are generally present in all colleges
I address them as sleeping geniuses.
There are certain students who are lesser known in class since they are hardly present there, or one can say they try to keep a low profile. Even if they are present they will make sure no one disturbs their sleep or the intellectual thinking they must be doing somewhere in the corner of the classroom or beside a window.
These are the guys who are totally different; sleep when others are awake and vice versa, can be seen playing when
others are preparing for semester exams.
They will booze, drive, play pranks and do all those stuffs which are not
considered decent by “sincere” students.
Returning to the main point these are no mere ordinary mortals. These are mostly who had narrowly missed a seat in IIT or other reputed institutes; who don’t believe in the system but believe in their dreams and ideas.
Generally we did not care about such people and virtually forget them till they appear a day before semester exams and ask you “Yaar ..what’s the syllabus for the semester exam tomorrow…“. Your mouth generally remains open in awe to hear that.
As the topper of the branch would teach each chapter they would listen attentively and will raise few questions in between. But by the time this session would end there would be role reversal and it would be this guy explaining the tough numerical to the topper… funny na ??.
The story doesn’t end here itself, the real fun is yet to come on the day of result declaration when majority of the class would have got a back in that subject and few would have cleared by the grace marks, but these guys would have been amongst the top scorers. But overall percentage would be less, thanks to the professors who gave them fewer marks in internal tests.
Nevertheless these unsung heroes are forgotten sooner in final year as rest of the batch gets busy in celebrating their placements in MNCs whereas these guys are not even allowed to appear for interview panel. Thanks to the rules of placement committees.
Soon as we get busy with our corporate lives we almost forget them till one day they appear from nowhere in your Orkut or facebook profile with status as “Gaurav – IAS officer“ or “Nimesh @ Google “ or “Abhishek -ABC my new company” or………
OMG..!!!!! ya this is the first reaction you have.
The people whom we called as nerd were the actual heroes because they believed in the beauty of their dreams. They were the guys who actually followed their heart.
They persevered, struggled, survived and rose like phoenix against all odds.
And when they arrived to the scene, they arrived with a BANGGGGG….
They didn’t follow the path created by others; in fact they created one by themselves, trudging alone with grit & determination.
The people who were criticized and mocked for their innovative ideas and thoughts have proved themselves and are having the last laugh today.
But yes somewhere in the corner of my heart I had a feeble voice always telling me “you fool !!!!!!! Just live your life in the way they are living…. follow your dreams and do what you feel like doing”
But somehow I didn’t want to hear those voices assuming them as noise. Still quite often I feel like quitting from my current job and do what I always loved to do.
I wonder if I can come so far in my current profession with minimal interest then how satisfied and contended I would have felt doing the things I have always longed to do.
Have you met such underestimated people in your life??
This story so true, last few line might be looking like taken from 3 idiots, but “Are you happy doing what you are doing now???? If not, you are wasting your life… I am the one out of them…
Be honest on this “If wonder if I can come so far in my current profession with minimal interest then how satisfied and contended I would have felt doing the things I have always longed to do”, and look inside yourself.. and find where you want to be….. Follow your heart….
The background story of the presented crux also holds true… everyone of us in hostel life must have observed such sleeping geniuses..
@Anupam san
First of all hearty thanks for visiting my blog and giving ur valuable comments 🙂
This may appear to be any story but yes i have always felt and hence i wrote here whatever i felt so far…
I do have aim to follow my heart and progress on that path…parallely on that front too..and the day i would feel I am ready to move ahead I will not give second thoughts to my decision…
i never had to stay in hostel.. but, there are type of folks like those u mentioned 😀
n there r many other types as well e.g. ‘Who Cares’ types…who r actually sipping tea outside the labs on final practical day ;-P
another type r ‘F**k the rules’ types… 🙂
Yaar you have reignited the old smoking feeling, it’s very obvious and everyone must have experienced the company of such “Sleeping Geniuses”, at least I have met quite a few. I would like to make a correction here that “Gaurav” was not one of those and he had been one of the most sincere guys I met in hostel. No wonder he has achieved what he went out for!
Finally to conclude, yes it’s true that following one’s dream brings in contentment and satisfaction but in this materialistic world where from every corner you look at you find eyes staring at you with some expectation or the other, how can a mere soul fight back and follow what his heart beats for???
Aha! this one is so very true.
In fact I have met many such guys and would say not many gals.
These ppl are actually geniuses and i was always inspired by them.
Hence in college, i was never a topper but always made sure i participated in all the co-curricular which my heart desired but ya never was a genius like these ‘sleeping ones’ 🙂
ek dum sateek baat kahi hai rajuji….
Again the geniuses of Rajput sama has come out….true i hav not stayed in a hostel but i hv also come across ppl like these in my life…..these ppl are gifted in many ways….have the guts to say NO and face the world….and finally emerge victorious in the competition…..even i wonder what we would hv achieved had we taken the job we loved 🙂
newayz never say never…..we might get a chance sometime in our life to pursue what we loved!!
Greater your dreamzz,
Greater U r…
Always Follow uR Heart…
Very Gud Observation Raju, Just Add one more thing, when u look closely in thr life…
They Never Let The Youth Die Within Them…
Good post. Gets a sneak peek into the away-into-captivity-hostel-still-freedom-of-life… 🙂
hats off to you for dis wonderful post.i think a lot of gud talent in dis country is getting wasted jus bcoz of peer and family pressure.the need of hour is to hav more ranchos ,rocket singhs and sids to show us the right path.
There is a saying “more a person seems lost in thoughts the more chances are that he is creating something wonderful in his/her mind”..And we people mock these extraordinaries in college..yes i did it too…one of them is in Bhaabha Atomic Research Centre..phewww
my intention of mentioning hostel was because here u may find the other side the person since he is under observation 24X7..
which is not possible otherwise…dats y some of the “dreamers ” go unnoticed during school but reveal their true colours in hostel life.
I will jus say on last note.
Never ever delete this message which always keeps blinking in the inbox of your memory:
“you fool !!!!!!! Just live your life in the way they are living…. follow your dreams and do what you feel like doing”
Life will always be cool.
Great post.
Touched my heart.
@saurabh Gupta
I remember one of those who studied from you few hours b4 exam and scored handsomely(wont write his name here ) 🙂
I have given random names to hide identity of people but yes Gaurav indeed was sincere student, but he followd his dream.
didnot accept the offer of Infosys & persevered to become IAS officer finally 😛
Thats the beauty of such people that even though they had expect and all still they dreamt and finally achieved them…
dats the point i want to address in this post
the mere participation in the events and extra co-curricular itself puts you in the bracket of these “Sleeping geniuses” since u were following ur heart 😛 ….. Being a topper never justifies that ur a genius 🙂
Dhanyawaad 🙂
thanks dost.. ur praises make me blush blush 😛
yeah ur rite these people having special something which we lack…
who knows we may get chance again to fulfill our dreams
@Kumar Varun
The youth and vigour they had was unmatched indeed ..hats off to such people.
thanks buddy 🙂 i still miss those hostel days …
@Apurva Kumar
Thanks dost 🙂
ur rite its high time we allow youngsters to choose and do what they love doing…
there is no dearth of talent in this country
Nice blog… Hopefully i will follow the dreams of my heart soon… Good one ravi.
Nice post ravi 🙂
I too met 2 or 3 sleeping genius bt i discovered this @ last year of my clg…when the result was out….and we all were searching who has topped and he is the same guy who never
attends the class regularly and if attending the class always sits at the back and creats nonsense and crackin jokes.
Surprisng for all of us. But thats true 🙂
Ohh i frgt 2 mension…BTW i m also a sleeping genius. 😛
Whenever i feel sleepy ;i go to sleep geniously irrespective of the place and noise 😛
Thanks shweta for the compliments.
I am sure that u will fulfill the dreams in coming months.You deserve it and you will get it surely.
Nice to know that you too are a sleeping genuis.. lemme rephrase it “sleeping beauty “..lol
the kind of person you mentioned are very unique the USP of these people is the surprise element they create
by doing the unexpected.
@Lo”V”er boy
thats the beauty of such people.These are real “men at work” 24X7..underestimated and mocked around.
he must be a real genius to be in BARC…how later we repent what we missed not learning a thing or two from such guys
I am moved to hear that ur touched 🙂
thanks buddy for such a compliment …i will cherish it..and will always let this message blinking in my memory 😛
Hey Ravi..I donot agre on that repenting part yaar…Theer are different types of people and I am not one of those nerd types..it’s as simple as that 🙂
BTW..The BARC person is a she :)…How the hell u assumed to be HE…Feminists would kill you 🙂
@Lo”v”er boy
hey dost it was a general statement about few who repent.
i agree with about not agreeing on this point .You are fully justified.Not all the geniuises are worth to follow 🙂
And one request cum SOS –> please dont let this comment ever reach that “SHE” ..lol..
and i hope all my feminine friends in TGTown will forgive me though this is a unpardonable offence.. 😛
Though i am yet to experience hostel life,I could easily relate to the experiences u shared.Nice Read!
wow! gud written, deeply touched & yesss…. i also sleep but vid open eyes, & hope i vud also do something great with what i want to… 😀
Thanks buddy…. hostel life is indeed memorable one …
Thanks 🙂 sleeping with open eyes is more fruitful i think coz you are very well aware what you are dreaming about..no doubt you will do something great some day .. amen
I got the e-mail to read this blog on Apr 8 … didnt had time to visit … visited today (Apr 14) as I knew it will be worth reading … 🙂
And yes I was correct 🙂 It was worth to read the post and the replies …
There may be ppl like Funsuk Wangdu (3 idiots) who do things which no one expects them to do … But truly speaking I havent come across even one of them … i know of ppl asking 4 syllabus on the last day … bt they are not one of the toppers today … neither are the ones who used to sleep in the class … But yes I know 2-3 of those who used to be damn sincere in the class – knew syllabus well in advance 🙂 and they are today … what every one of us wants to be … they are funsuk wangdu in their life today … we used to make fun of them in college for them occupying the front seat … not bunking practicals … completing every tutorial on time – every time … but now I do realise – yes they were correct … they did what was required … they knew what they were doing and what for …
Infact those who used to bunk classes and sleep along with me also acknowledge today that we were wrong and they were correct … looking at where we are and where they are …
Nothing is hidden in this world … every one knows where one stands in life and what one wanted to achive and what one has achieved …
I may be sounding dejected … defeated … but this is how it is … I am defenetely defeated by those who I used to make fun of … as they valued time and I didnt …
May be there funsuk in real life … but there are much more Chattur’s in real life who turn out to be successfull …
Very well written rajput san … but I wont believe 3 idiots … till I meet one in real life … and COUNT (funsuk) increases COUNT(chattur’s) …
haven’t come across such people though………….there was one very intelligent chap who is currently preparing for IAS….btw nice post sir 🙂
@Pankaj Kapoor
Thank you Pankaj san for you appreciation (these keep me rolling 🙂 )and also sharing ur view in such detail.
I really appreciate and respect ur feelings and opinion mentioned above but i would like to mention that I had intended to mention
about only those selected few who were underestimated guys who behaved in unsual ways and kept a low profile.
I didnot put these people in the category of those who bunked classes and ignored studies.Not all of them can be categorised as sleeping geniuses or
else the very purpose of mentioning about those people in blog will fail.
People who were too serious are settled and got what they wanted ,,No objection to it…but there must be guys who may in still in progress of becoming funsuk wangdu..
just wait them to appear soon.
Also the count of funsuk wangdu will always be less in real life coz they are rare …..not everbody has the guts to follow their dreams… neither had I dats why I
am hitting keyboard here instead of doing what I love to do.
lots of Chattur’s can be found around us but i wold like to ask 1 question – are they happy ? ( not material happiness but at conscience level )..they may be so called settled with
enough money ,good job, house etc… but they would be living a mechanical life.
I agree we know where we stand and what we achieve.. but sometimes we dont get what we want even though you would have given 150%…somethings are outof control…
but should we feel defeated for those ?? I DONT think so ..
No two people can have same destination so why to compare myself with any chattur and feel dejected and defeated.
I know some people whom i met ; i can’t say if they are FUNSUK wangdu but yes i know that these people followed their dreams and even though they were doing well
in their current occupation, they quit and did what they loved to do..and they are really successful in real lives..
The IAS officer,the guy who started his own firm, a gal who quit IT and took journalism , a SW engineer who wanted to be model ( watch IDEA ad for Delhi dare devils for a model named Harsh- he is my batchmate)
are few examples in my life who are following their dreams and may be FUNSUK wandu’s of future ..
Anyways thanks a million for reading till here and also for sharing your priceless feedback.
That’s really true….
What a nice post..
that’s really true…
i hav came across with such “Sleeping Geniuses”….
the fact is that u don’t have to be extraordinary intelligent or genius to
achieve some thing big in lyf.important thing is to know what u want from your life..
and than you should have COURAGE and DETERMINATION to achieve ur goals..
and most important thing is one’s belief on himself
Truly inspirations, felt like you are talking certainly about guys like me. Anyways I would say that ‘with a sense of purpose and determination closed doors will open and the impossible would become a reality.’
Thanks buddy … its indeed about the guys whom I respect the most than anyone else simply coz they believe in themselves, I was fortunate to live amongst them in college life.Happier to know you could relate yourself here.
school life is also great life …. we always loose it with buden of homework and after college life come..then we think about job…..so school life is better without tension of job