I often write reviews about book which inspires me , motivates me or after reading them I feel good which I want to share with others. But as a book lover we also come across certain books which were given promising reviews by others. Books which were so much hyped and talked about that your level of expectations reach sky high.
One such book I read this week is “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck“. I still curse myself why I picked this absolute piece of shit. Yes, I rarely write such stuff for any book but this book really deserves such feedback from me. Call it my foolishness or whatever, I have the habit of completing any book which I pick to read. Even if each page of the book appears to be burden on my mind and conscience.
This was one such book. I don’t know why I kept reading till the last page even though I didn’t enjoy anything worth in it. May be I didn’t align with authors thought process or I couldn’t see the through the lens which author indented. In the process of writing an alternate philosophy or approach, author of the book kind of seems lost and keeps going in circles about all nonsense stuff . To justify the subject of book he chooses to use word F*ck several times in each sentence without any send whatsoever.
To my readers I would highly recommend to give this book a miss and don’t waste your time and money on this crap.
Overall rating : Its not even worth single star.
I will soon read a good book to compensate and change my mood. Till then take care !!