Tryst with Destiny

“Bye bye guys, see you tommorrow”
“It was fun to be with you after long time ….”

“Aman It’s a happy moment for us to see the smile on your face “said Akansha.
As Aman’s eyes turned moist, each understood it was time to  move to their houses.
Aman said nothing, simply waved his hands and moved into his car.

After reaching his home as the engine of the car got dead, Aman sat there ,thinking for a moment.With a smile on his face and blowing his typical whistle he was moving towards his apartment.What a  funfilled day he had today.
It had been ages since he went out with somebody,cracked a joke,enjoyed a movie ,played a prank or to sum up  “be his jolly normal self “.
Slowly life seemed to be coming back on track for him.He felt lucky to have a  bunch of friends who loved and cared about him so much.
Had they been not there with him, it would have been so tough to sail through one of the worst patches of his  life; the affects and wounds of which were still afresh, though he was struggling hard to recover from them.

Exhausted and sleepish he opened the door of his flat to find the disaster waiting to happen again.
On the floor laid an envelope.
As he read the address on envelope  chill ran down his spine “God this is her writing  !!!!”.
As a flash he remembered the very first day when she sat beside him in 1st semester;the cute face, the cute talks and her soft beautiful fingers holding the pen from which the cursive writing flew just like a dew on morning grass.

Aman held his breath and opened the big envelope.His eyes could not believe what they saw.
As he read “Mrs and Mr Singh RK Singh invite your solicit presence on the marriage of their daughter Surbhi…….” , the card slipped from his hands.
Aman could not understand how to react, he was filled with rage,remorse,guilt,betrayal,sadness all at the same time.Tears had already dried in his eyes with.He  was lost in thoughts.

Akansha was feeling guilty somehow for  what she said when Aman left the multiplex an hour ago.She couldnot resist and dialled in for Aman to apologize.
But Aman was in no mood to speak to anyone or it seemed  he had lost his senses to speak.

After 10-12 calls Akansha got worried and informed rest of the group.Sensing something fishy they landed at Aman’s apartment in midnight.

“You idiot , we have been calling you for last half an hour and you don’t even bother to pick the phone !!!” Varun blasted out.
Aman was unmoved ,was lying on ground staring at the roof while the card lied beside him on floor.
They picked up the card and understood the entire episode.

Varun walked upto Aman and putting his hands on his shoulders “Bhai himmat rakh,sab theek ho jayega .. hum tere saath hain…”
The  volcono of emotions was waiting to erupt and these words had given enough of thrust to it.
He just broke down crying sobbily and saying “Why only me ?? why ?? where did I go wrong ?”

Well it was an entire different story 1 year ago.Aman and Surbhi were the best of pals and much more than that.The friendship which started in 1st semester of Engineering had grown beautifully in last 8 years having their share of ups and downs but strengthened each passing day.
Aman’s feeling for Surbhi were as passionate and true as ever, and that was his biggest mistake too.Surbhi meant everything for Aman and he couldnot see beyond her anytime.
Whereas for Surbhi , Aman was a very good friend and a confidant.

Aman  had sensed things were changing  when they had to settle in different cities after college for their jobs.But he never doubted his love of life.
In this age of cellphones,mails,chatting & visits LDR(Long Distance Relationship) seemed to be working perfectly for him.
As of Surbhi who was an  outgoing girl it was pretty easy for her to be surrounded by more and more freinds all the time.
It was during one such moment when she met Vivek.The friendship which started on the  Basketball court had reached to a destiny where it was impossible to comeback.
Things started to roll for them,and soon their parents got involved matching kundlis and finding dates for marriage.

Meanwhile Aman was totally unaware of the happenings.One night during one of the conversations on phone Surbhi said
“Aman I cannot carry our relationship any more …”
“Are you kidding, see I am in no mood for a joke , I am alreday pissed off with my office work” said Aman
“No I am serious , I love Vivek …”

“What  ?? See i don’t like such jokes..”

“Aman I am serious,we love each other and soon we will get married…”
“Surbhi you never told me anything  all these days ?? Things had reached to such  an extent and I was kept fool all this time.”
“Sorry for that Aman,I didnot want to hurt you that’s why couldnot muster courage to tell you…”said Surbhi

“And why now, do you think I feel happy to hear this ? Why did you did this to me tell me ? WHYYYYYYY  ??”

“Sorry Aman I love Vivek and will be marrying him only, you have always been my great pal….”

Aman hung the phone ,as he couldnot hear further…
Next day  in morning he called her  “I don’t want to hear from you anymore.Just go away from my life forever.Pleaseeeeeeeee…..”

He deleted his number from his cellphone but to delete the sweet memories of Surbhi was impossible.
Aman went into shell then on and it took almost a year for his friends to bring him back on track to some extent till he got the invitation card today.

“Ghosshhhh… what is the purpose of sending the card after all this ??” Akansha said.

Everyone in the room were dead silent.Each of them had the same question in their minds “Why this card after the breakoff ?”

There are no answers for some questions in life and this was one of those.

5 thoughts on “Tryst with Destiny

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Tryst with Destiny « Direct dil se… --
  2. Hmmm…. sometimes smile of girl and care of boy is misunderstood… but i must say well written story..

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