Who is your role model ??

How will you react if someone asks you a question “Who is your role model ?”

Who comes to your mind the very instance??  Your father, Sachin,  Amitabh, Manmohan  singh ,Rajeev Gandhi , Lincoln or Michael Schumacher ??

I don’t know about others but when I was struck by this question I couldn’t figure out any single person.

Because I have not come across any single person who fits the status of being my role model.

Yes I am inspired from my father, but to a certain extent.

For me no single person is perfect enough  that I follow him or her blindly or to say he can be my Role model.

What inspires me can be a common and simple thing of any Tom,Dick or Harry.

A century of  Sehwag may not inspire me as much as I am moved by  Kumble bowling with a broken jaw, since it shows the determination  &  impeccable spirit of a player.

I respect a rickshaw puller more as compared to a healthy person begging at traffic signal; since the former person knows how to live a dignified life.

I respect those teachers who take teaching more as a social service than those tutors who have made business out of coachng institutes.

I am humbled by those colleagues of mine who refused to buy the leaked sessional papers and wrote the exams and didnot regret of getting less marks, since those people never compromised with their integrity.

I am inspired by a small kid  who is totally devoted and enjoying his activities whether it is playing, sketching or dancing since he has devoted himself in enjoying it to the fullest.

I learnt from an ant how to keep trying to reach to your destination , if any hurdle comes to your path.

I salute  those people who make honest attempt to achieve their dreams amidst all the difficulties and don’t give up because of few setbacks.

I am moved by an honest critic of mine than a friend who hides my mistakes, since the critic spoke the truth.

In short, for me people and happenings around me are my Role model,I get to learn a lot from them and I am moulded by their deeds.

Who are yours ?? any particular person , an instance or a celebrity ??

Waiting impatiently to know your thoughts about the same.



7 thoughts on “Who is your role model ??

  1. Me on the same boat…No one in particular but amalgamation of many inspires me…
    Sachin’s humility,Amitabh’s dignity, ofcourse my parents and a few iof my friends

  2. My role model- none.
    I would say one should never emulate just one person.
    just as u mentioned, there are so many people to take a learning from.

  3. What i can summarize,

    That it’s time and environment that plays biggest role for you to choose your role model.

    And as a software professional we just keep on reusing components from various developed models based on need of time and environment

  4. I agree.. One should not have just one rold model. We cannot develop in a wholesome manner otherwise but a realistic idea is imbibing the best characteristics from people whether good or bad… leadership from Hitler or Gandhi, compassion from mother teresa, how to make fun of yourself and others from russel peters… actually the list is never ending!!

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