Book review

Bankerupt : Book Review

  Nothing can be more exciting to be given a autographed copy of a well known author. And in my case when it happened to be none other […]


I Quit !!

  Life is such a bitch; it often brings a person at crossroads where he runs out with options. He is being forced to take certain decisions which […]


The last Sigh ..

    And before I knew it, I had hit “Send “. The mail had been sent, it took some time for me to come to terms for […]

My life

Liebster Blog Award

  What is  Liebster Blog Award?     This accolade is awarded to budding bloggers who have just started this hobby and who’ve earned less than 200 followers. […]


Trip down the memory lane

2009, Chennai It was doom and gloom all around. Recession had hit hard across the world and India was no exception to it. We had been into job […]