Dosti kal aaj aur kal

As I write this blog ,  just after watching the  movie Love Aaj Kal(I don’t know how many times I have watched this movie)  i just can’t stop recalling my entire journey from childhood till date. But yes the journey so far has been enjoyable .Just like story of Harleen and Veer and coming  of age , love birds Meera and Jai Vardhan.

Dosti jo Kal thi:

I remember my childhood days when friendship had its own charm.We shared the lunch box with our friends,waited  to get down to play together ,when running after a kite and butterflies was more fun then running after a girl ,when a 50 paise ice-cream from local ice-cream wala was more tastier than cone of ice-cream in Baskin Robbins, when we somehow managed to find all our friends inspite of no cell phones, when aloo paranthas  with mango pickle prepared by mummy was tastier than an Italian Pizza, when a new bicycle from dad was the most prized possession in entire society and would enjoy the ride with all the friends, when an orange flavoured toffee had great taste than imported swedish chocolate, when the feelings were so very true for others.



As i grew up in  school and preparing to take off for college life, the cruelties of life starting taking toll on me.Competition took better off me.Somewhere  i became so busy carving the so called GOLDEN future for myself that other things took a backseat.I had my own share of heart breaks, fights, quarrel etc.Somehow i never realized that there were a lot of things that i never shared with my family, but i did with few people who in due course of time had come so close to me.Myself with my few friends who sat together and planned for hours for the future, would share everything , every feeling  close to our heart, our latest crush to the dreams we had.I never felt alone and lonely as i always had a shoulder to cry on and a confidant to share my secrets and my happiness to celebrate.

I had simply to drop down to my friends’ place who were just few blocks away from my home.


As i moved ahead  to start my new innings of college life, it was the first time i felt the pain, “oh God i am departing from my firends”… and yes i really departed from them because till date i have not seen many of them.With watery eyes and heavy heart i just moved ahead.


I joined college and got too busy with my new freedom and responsibilities.First time experience of staying away from family , for 4 years ,amidst 600 other people in hostel will teach  you what  rest of the life cannot teach.These people became my new family away from my FAMILY.These people were now one with whom i stayed most of the time,eating , sleeping , studying, celebrating together.

It was not that my family took a backseat, there importance grew but at the same time these people became a part of my extended family.I still say  “those were the best days of my LIFE”.Mass ragging by seniors,that late night parties in hostel , birthday bumps,  night long studies before sessionals and semester exams,the lifeline called MAGGI which was national food of hostelers,late night tea and ommlette being prepared secretly in room ( from watchful eyes of warden) are few of the little things i miss till date.


But the honeymoon stint of 8 semesters flew like anything and lo i was again standing at crossroads of life… again to depart ,to fly off in the corporate world.This time the pain  was more unbearable, but with a smile on face..I had got my  friends  of lifetime..I realized this later…

Corporate World:

This is the place i love the most and also hate the most.Because on the one hand it provides you infinite opportunities to grow as well as the most mean place,  where the fastest road  to success is backstabbing and cheating with confidence.But i also saw one more breed of people who value human values and love more than quick success.


And today i proudly say they are my friends.

Why I have written my view of various stages of my life is that so many people come and go in life .They meet you with a purpose , to make you aware of only one  thing..all material things will fade away in life, be it money, cars, cellphones, foreign trip etc. But only one thing will remain with you MEMORIES… the sweet ones , the bitter ones.. and if you look back in those time you will find that these memories were there only because of your friends … your true soulmates who were always there beside you in both good and bad times..Standing besides you ,holding your hands.Nothing has stood test of times as TRUE FRIENDSHIP..and today i would say that i am so lucky to have such a nice bunch  of friends, from school, college , office, everywhere.And i would like to thank each one of you from the bottom of my heart for making who i am, and being a part of me always.


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