India was never famous as country where there is a sports culture in its roots. This thought continued for a long time. But recently things have started to change. People have started noticing a change in the air.
With the recent overwhelming success of IPL and IFL there has been renewed focus and attention on the sports being played in the country. The amount of glamour, money and TRP has added fuel to this fire and this country has gone crazy about sports.
Our recent success stories in Olympics and other sports have made parents realize that there is life beyond engineering and medicine as career. Parents are giving attention, time and money on their kids to focus on sports and parents are realizing that sports can be taken up as a career.
We have hockey league, badminton league, football league , cricket league etc. which are been very successful. It seems all of a sudden there is a surge to play and earn money , name & fame. All these leagues have something in common.All the sportspersons in these league have built up team dil sei.e. with all their heart. They have not only dedicated time and money but also sentiments. They have given their hearts to build successful teams. They are driven more by emotions than actual thought processes or using their minds.
Challenging all these leagues comes a new league which claims to be different than others. Kapil Dev is saying that he is coming up with a new league #EkNayiLeague which will blow us up. In this league if you play Dil sei.e with all their heart , you will be hit wicket. You will be bowled out. He has come out with couple of videos in which he appears to make such claims.
He has not divulged any details of this new league but has requested us to follow up his twitter handle to get further updates about this league.
I think in this league a person will have to move beyond taking emotional decisions and start thinking about himself /herself. This league will be focused around self-performance than team work or team spirit. In this league a sportsperson will have to take decisions based in his self growth and progress in order to be a winner. The idea will revolve around how good a person thinks from his head, keeps his cool and is not carried away by emotions. There will not be a place for emotions in this league. A cut throat competition will overrule any other thing.
With a sportsman and a hero like Kapil Dev launching such a league it would be really interesting to see what this is all about. So guys I am waiting excitedly for this new league.