I am Addicted !!!!

I had never realized that what started as just fun would lead me to addiction today.

It was chilly winter days of December when I was first  introduced to it .

The state of mind and the topsy-turvy life I was going through made me  give it  a try.

After the very first experience I was on cloud nine and felt so light. Then I gave another and so on.

I also saw and met few other people who too were doing the same and enjoying it.

Man it was such a fun…!!!   wowww…!!! My addiction level have reached to such a state today that I don’t think I will be able to give up now rather I don’t want to give up now.

BLOGGING yes the addiction is Bloggingbdw what were your thoughts after reading the first few lines?? huh 😛

Anyways to be true I was never serious about blogging but yes I wanted to write; but what ? Even I was not sure.

I was going through a rough patch of life and wanted to share my weird views, ideas, feelings to someone.

And surprise  !!!!….here comes a mail from TGsir about TG Town.

I thought of just giving a try and started. After writing the very first article I felt so lighthearted; the same feeling as I have when I share something with my best friend. Publishing and seeing ones article on the net gives a different feeling altogether.

The comments and replies that follow make it more exciting.

Though starting phase of writing was difficult but as I am moving on I am finding it easier to express myself through words. Reading other’s blog is a wonderful experience and sometimes when argument and counterargument which follows just

reminds me of my group of friends with whom I do it quite frequently.

This forum provides different and excellent ideas from so many people.

Also TG town has helped me make new friends whom I am looking to meet sometime in future.

Hello TG sir!!! I hope its time to have a TG Town blogger’s meet  😛

I am a contented soul today who is utilizing his time constructively for his hobby.


But I would like to cite the reasons why I call blogging as an addiction

1) Every morning when I wake up, first thing I do before even brushing my teeth, is logging into my system to check TG town forum for comments, replies and new articles.

2) In office whenever I get a chance I try to log and check for any new comments or replies to the comments.

3) I try to catch the thoughts which keep on flying in mind and note it somewhere to include in my posts.

4) While talking with friends at least once I mention about this hobby of mine and insist them to start too.

5) Even after going to bed for sleep I keep thinking about the article I read.

6) Any new toons or pic in the mail is more than a mere forward. It is a nascent idea for my next post.

7) Even simple happenings around me like people talking, playing, nature, traffic seem to be a subject of my next post. (I have become more observant now)

8) I tell people to call me after 5 min or hold the call when I am in middle of writing my new post.

9) I keep fantasizing about writing a novel of mine.

10) My most frequently visited page is TG Town instead of orkut, facebook,twitter or cricinfo.

Along with personal satisfaction Blogging is helping in my professional life too where are I more expressive, articulate and more confident.

It may be because of expressing my thoughts in written form and the lot of reading I do which is adding up to my knowledge repository.

Had I known this hobby will change my life in such a manner I would have fallen for this addiction way ago.

Are you also having the same symptoms of this addiction as I do??

Would love to hear from you.

10 thoughts on “I am Addicted !!!!

  1. same symptoms dear even ditto, which 1 i must mention i’m not getting it yaar….though i’m a student still but hav been doing the same even if my exam r approaching;) i had same feeling as were ur….i hav not been writing these days in continuum bcoz of exam but do visit other’s blogs 🙂

  2. @Gayatri
    Ooops…so I am not the only guy it seems who has been smitten by this bug ..lol
    Its pretty difficult I understand …no doubt exams have to be the priority…All the best for them 🙂
    If reading other’s blog refreshes mind that is excellent, may help you study better….

  3. Same feelings here Ravi..It’s such a satisg\fyi felling and yess the constructive energy it possess!! Lov Tgtown and my friends over here for sure..]

    ANd regarding that putting a cll on hold, would you believe taht i tld my mom that i wll call u in 5 minutes and forgot…–> Got to rush!!

    Lovely post brother…

    303 cheers to blogging:)

  4. @Lo”v”er boy
    Thats great to hear that we all are sailing in same boat of emotions 🙂 🙂 yeappiee..
    yes i can understand the feeling of getting so occupied in blogging that we ignore the calls and later have to spend double time to convince people..hehhe
    thanks for the praise..

    BLOGGING Zindabad !!!!

  5. Hey i was able to read the complete article today only as i had to rush for the call and it’s amazing that i also feel that i am more observant nowadays as you mentioned…Each and every thing happening around me is something waiting to be twisted 😉

  6. Very true….yaar….There days i gt stuck into some personal problems…so not able to write or interact….but yesterday i was writing an article..and @ the same time i need to go out somewhere urgent…my ma keep on screaming…go n take bath or u ‘ll be late…and i was enjoying writting so much….that i forgt what she has said…n keep on writting….thank god!! i complete it(will publish on monday)…..but i gt late..where i need to go… 🙁

    I Have never thought of writting my own blog…i just enjoy reading articles here…but one day message comes from TG sir…and…i just started…with a fear..that you guys write so well…..may be you laugh on my small /full of gramatical mistakes article….but…as i keep on writing….i somehow manage to overcome this fear… 🙂

    Hey i got the opportunity to thanx all the tg towner…who read my articles and gv comments……and those who are not reading my blog….guys!! u missing fun 😛 haha jokes apart….

    I like to congratualte all tha bloggers of TG town to be a part of such a wonderful family….. 🙂
    ANd yaa… i would also agree to the TG Town blogger meet( r you listening sir) 😛

  7. @Lo”v”er boy
    Thats a great news for all your fans here who will be getting more humorous and whacky posts to read 😛

  8. Absolutely…once you start blogging you live observing and registering like never before…photography too helps in the same way…I think it teaches us to live every moment…be alive!

  9. @Nalini
    I have seen lot of changes in myself ever since i started blogging.I have passion for photography too.Both help me to stand and observe each moment closely and enjoy the beauty of God’s creation.
    Thanks for sharing ur views

  10. @Shikha
    That’s what the power of blogging addiction I must say, that we tend to forget the world around us when we are blogging.And Shikaji by the way u write very well and your articles are worth reading and we enjoy them to the fullest. So do keep on writing on various articles.In no time we have become a good blogger family (more than just friends) and this is also a beautiful part of our dull lives.
    Cheers to blogging..yeapppieeeeee

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