Did the title of the post surprise you ?? hmmm …
If the answer is YES then you may not fall in the category of “those” great people (Like me ) ,
but if the answer is NO then you are indeed in the category of those rare people who can be termed as “EXCEPTIONS”
Yes ,I am one of those who reads in a Loo and I am proud of it.
I don’t remember when I did it for the first time but I do remember that since my childhood “LOO ” has been my
thinking ground,where I have done most of my creative thinking, new discoveries and the like because this is the
only place where my mind functions faster than a supercomputer 🙂 .
In schooldays after completion of each Unit I would sit there, relax and would revise everything.
When I came out I was all fresh, confident and ready to takeon more chapters. Not only this,
my morning would start with reading newspaper in LOO.
Nothing changed when I came in college and joined hostel life. And believe me this habit of mine came so handy
that even I had never imagined.
At that time the concept of “ALLL IZZ WELL” was not introduced , so LOO was the only place where I could sit ,
close my eyes and relax, even if I had a mountain of syllabus to climb in the fortnight before the exam.
Also on the one hand when chaos prevailed in the hostel all the time, LOO was the only place which came handy to study.
Nobody was there to disturb and one can be at peace with oneself.
I would like to convey my heartily thanks to the inventor of LOO which has made a significant change in my life and maybe to some similar nerds like me.
Though structure of Benzene ring was discovered in sleep but discoveries more significant to my life were done in LOO. 🙂
Even in office when I get exhausted trying to figure out the logic for implementation or fixing a defect, LOO comes to my rescue.
Struggle of hours is cracked within few minutes of “Chintan” there. Also LOO comes handy for me to take naps of few minutes because there is no other place in office to take a short nap, without getting noticed .See how handy it is 😛
LOO has indeed become an integral part of my career, growth and intellectual thought process.
See I was motivated to write this article sitting in LOO.. whoa …!!!
Do you fall in the same category of exceptional nerds like me ??
Heheh…Nice Read… So We are great…this habit of mine gave so many headaches to mom that she even threatened me that she will permanently lock the loo I used to use….
Thanks .. nice to hear that I am not the only one who has this habit..even I undergo such threats from parents , they seem to have given up anyhow LOL
You are not the only one who gets the support from the place they call, “the loo”. It serves as a guardian angel for most of us, at times, too! 😉
Hi Ravi,
This article took me back to my old days. Nostalgic feelings are all over. And so is the truth that before any exam an hour in the LOO, I can grasp more than I tried in the last 6 hours. It’s a concentration camp. No worries and the best part is you are at ease there. Lolz…
All in all a very nostalgic article. Loved it…
Reading in the loo?? Never mind the heat, the sweat, the discomfort!!
And when you actually own a house, will it have more loos than rooms?
My father has this habit to but somehow those seeds didnt come to me 🙂 ..
I am envious as your time utilization = 10/100 huh 😀 …
I use loo to think hard and for “Ekaant”..Modern age effect 🙂
Yeah though I don’t read in the loo…I like solving sudoku puzzles..the best place to concentrate 😛
hahaha..oh man! hey i hope there may be 10-20 standing outside your hostel’s loo waiting for you to finalize your concepts that they can read on….
Its really encouraging to hear that we share some common irregular traits 😛
Thanks for you feedback
@Anu Mantra
Hey Anu,
I am overwhelmed to hear those words from you.I had never imagined that this article can somebody so nostalgic.
No doubt it was the best for concentration and only rare few could utilize its real benefits.
Heartily thanks for your comments.
one doesn’t care about heat or sweat since on is already sailing in some other world..lol
And yes when I will own a house I won’t be making more loos since the importnace of it will be lost
but yes I will take due consideration that it has perfect interiors for my intellectual endeavours..
Thanks for commenting.
This modern age affect can do wonders if marketed and utilized properly ..hehehe..
and yes my time utilization does get increased by this strange habit.. funny but true lol
@Deepak Verma
Fortunately I chose the location withh minimal rush and disturbance…moreover some who knew me did not bother me since they knew i am not gonna budge even a little bit..
Gud one.. I am promoting Reading.. n u reading in the LOO 😉
I think ideas don’t need a sophisticated venue 2 reach ur mind, right guy! 🙂
Thanks..2 different appraoches for a common cause …lol
Thank you mam for this compliment..best one so far..I feel honored 😛
Loo and behold this great invention of man… this thinking machine which is acting like time machine for some(nostalgia) and matter of great comfort for some :).. As we are all bound to pay homage to it every morning… we should cherish the comforts and relaxation each day and spend some extra time…..
PS— written while 🙂 🙂
Age old method of saving time … 😀 …
Pixellicious Photos
Admirable post! Reminds me that themes need not be great to create good blogposts. It can be as simple as this 🙂
Please reconsider in having this CAPTCHA code for posting a comment. It makes commenting difficult. Take some time in the Loo tomorrow please 🙂
Old post, but I used to have a huge collection of books in the loo when I was younger. Whenever I felt stressed out, I will go there and read. One of the best habit I have. (probably the only one)
BTW, there is something wrong with your blog. I think firestats is broken.