Lost in deep thoughts, I was busy packing my baggage with an expression less face .But I was not at all surprised to see the happiness on the […]
The Lost Friendship !!
“Arrhhhhh, this pain will kill me“ Nishant blabbered as he entered in home, holding his head. His wife took a sigh of relief to see her husband back […]
Recession Alaa re !!!!
Economic recession gives wonderful opportunity to companies to do cost cutting.This blogpost contains some hilarious measures which companies may take to book profits.Read & Enjoy and also suggest if some more ideas strike your mind.
The Dual Me
Last evening I had a conversation with my cousin.As we talked casually the topic of discussion reached IT industry. Here we had varied opinions.Myself being a software engineer […]
Jaago re…..
It was a usual chilly morning. I had just arrived in office and after dumping my laptop bag on my seat, headed towards the cafeteria to grab […]
Crystals of sugar and my Life…..
As I was writing the last piece of code, a pop up spruces up from my office communicator “TGIF” with Sunny’s name at the top , soon Anupam, […]