The Octopus Saga


To be frank I am no big fan of football as such and have not been following the ongoing football world cup.But something which drew my attention to this event after flurry of tweets and news making rounds in office,it didn’t seem to be related to football to any means-it’s a damn Octopus !!! errr…I should call him Mr.Paul or else I may have to bear some nasty consequences.With his 6 out of 6 predictions going correct for this world cup and 7th too with the victory of Germany for third place,his psychic powers are more trendy topic of discussion than the very game itself.

I was just wondering If Mr Paul would have been in India what would be the trend going on here:

a) India TV would have been running nonstop program about his psychic power,how it would bring end to the world and the remedies toΒ prevent it.

b) AAJ tak would be the “sabse tej” channel to show all his activities,be it eating,sleeping etc. that too LIVE and each gesture of him would be the breaking news,flash news running all day and night.

c) People would have declared him an avatar of some deity and by now there would have been horde of people visiting him to get his blessings, bhajans kirtans going on,declaration of mandir creation ,offering him food etc.

d) Business men and stock brokers would have lined up to get tips to make investments and our entire BSE,NSE would have been affected by it.

e) Shiv Sena, bajrang dal and the like would have boycotted him and would have come on streets for the free drive of vandalism and hooliganism.

f) Left & NDA would have declared nation wide Bandh to protest against the national importance given to an Octopus ,citing it a reason for price hike.

g) Mayawati would have already started work to create a park and memorial for Mr. Paul declaring him an asset of downtrodden.

h) Bookies would have lured him to make tremendous money out of his predictions.

i) The business of all the astrologers,tarot card readers,palmists would have come to a standstill.

j) Mahesh Bhatt & Ram Gopal Verma would have made movie on the special psychic powers of Mr Paul.

k) There could have been possible chances of dispute between states,owing to the ownership of this valuable treasure.

l) CBI,ATS and other agencies would be using him to trace next possible terror activity.

m) There would be a flurry of ads on TV ,where Mr.Paul could be seen selling oil,shampoo,biscuit,chocolates,boost etc.

n) Ekta Kapoor would have started TV serial “Kahani Octopusy Ki”

o) On the lines of Chetan bhagat there would be a novel termed as “8 predictions of my life”

As of now I can think only these possibilities but the list may go on and on.Anyhow I am so happy that Mr. Paul doesn’t belong to India.
And yes, now I am waiting more desperately for the World cup final ,not for the winner but to see the prediction of Mr. Paul.
Will he get the 8th prediction right ??
Just wait and watch πŸ™‚

7 thoughts on “The Octopus Saga

  1. dear sir/madam
    My name is kavita. my age is 23yrs old.I studied commerce in class 12th in 2002-2003, now i joined the class of NIIT for webdesing cs3 version course; classes are done but now
    in examsI failed . Again they will conduct the exam on next sunday on 17/07/10 .Ii wanted to know if I will pass or fail in next exam.first time I failed in exam in this type of course .I request you to ask the octopus baba in next exam i will pass or fail.

  2. its hilarious! πŸ™‚ our mr. paul baba vud b highlighted in every news channel as every “peticoat” baba,paul baba ki jai ho!….hehehe πŸ˜‰

  3. @Lazy Pineapple
    Thanks mam πŸ™‚ The current happenings around me gave these crazy possibilities.
    really Paul baba would have ruled every news channel..thank god he cannot speak or else we would have got a dedicated pravachan channel from him
    @Lo”V”er boy
    thanks bro… but we all would like to have a post from one can beat the humour factor you produce in your writings πŸ˜›

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