Which Washing Machine is better? Top Loading or Front Loading?

Planning to buy a new washing machine? Confused as to which one to choose? Not knowing about what machine to buy may get on the head. But this decision cannot be taken in haste. Proper research is required before deciding which one to go for. With Top loading and Front Loading washing machines available in the market, customers are barely known as to which is preferable for their family. Concerning several points in mind, we will let you know which type of machine would prove better to your family. Read on.

Head to Head comparison of Top load and Front load washing machine

Wear & tear of the clothes

With Top Loader machines, there is no agitator in the center, and the paddles at the side of the basket are responsible for the up and down motion of the clothes. This is similar to hand washing. While in top load, agitator helps in the circular motion of the clothes leading to more wear and tear. In high-end Top Load machines where agitator is not present, they treat the clothes more gently, but they are too expensive compared to standard ones.

Winner: Front load washing Machine


Water, Energy and Detergent Use



Front loading machine usually uses half of the water consumed in Top loading Machines. With less of water consumption, the drying rounds are shorter in front load. Also if the detergent is efficient, less of froth will be there and would require only a tablespoon in front load machines. Top Load consumes around three times of more water and thus requires more detergent. With less of water and fewer rounds as compared to top loads, Front loaders are more energy efficient.  There are many energy star rating models available in front loads.

Winner: In all three aspects, Front Load is the clear winner.


Price, Repair Costs and Life

With more wash options and extra features, Front Load has more of repair costs than Top loading machines. Also, the front load machines have a life of around 11 years while a standard top load machine can last up to 14 years. Also, the purchase price of Front load machine is quite high than Top loaders. See: Best Top loading Washing Machines in India.

Winner: Keeping in mind the budget, Top Load is the winner.


Loading and Unloading of the clothes



Front load washing machines have a fixed laundry tenure wherein you cannot add any laundry till the round is over. Also for the loading and unloading of the clothes, you have to bend over as the lid is in the front center of the machine. In Top loading machines, one can add laundry to the last minute of the round with no extra effort to load the clothes. While unloading, a person with small height may have an issue.

Winner: To an extent, Top Loader is more preferred


Bottom line

Both the machine types have its pros and cons. While front-loading machines have initial purchase cost high but over time, it equalizes with being more energy and water efficient. Top loading is good for a family of 3-4, but a big family must go for Front Load machines. Space and utility wise Front loading washing machines are preferable as a lot of clothes can be washed at a time with the machine using less of space to keep. The winner can be different for different people but going by the above points, it would be easier for you to make a decision.


2 thoughts on “Which Washing Machine is better? Top Loading or Front Loading?

  1. Great information. Thanks for the wonderful article, it may be very helpful for everyone who is conscious about.

  2. Before you buy a new washing machine, you need to know what kind of washer is suitable for you. Most of the time, washing machines are grouped based on their loader type – top loading and front loading machines.Regular top loading washers are generally less expensive and use less water and electricity as compared to other high-efficiency models.

    CEO,Sree Service

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