Resistance to Change !!!

I would like to share a common phenomenon which many of you must have observed.

If you happen to travel in the general compartment of a train anytime you can observe a common scenario. Since seats are not allotted here  and count of people generally outnumber the seat count ;scarcity of space to sit is always there. The bogie is jam packed most of the time.

When a new station arrives, few people try to enter in the already overcrowded compartment. Most of the times there are small quarrels for space among people who enter and one who have somehow aligned themselves with the crowd inside.

The person who enters pushes for some space against the existing traveler who doesn’t want to give in. The quarrel generally continue for 5-10 minutes and sometimes it turns ugly too, and both the warring parties look towards each other as bloody rivals in world war 😛

But as the journey continues things start to normalize; people start chatting, gossiping, playing cards, debate  about the existing political condition of the country, then about their families and so on…and by the time journey ends these people turn out to be best of buddies …strange huh !!! This chapter closes with exchange of phone numbers and invitation to visit each other’s place (though no one cares the moment they leave the station)

Now the purpose of narrating this is to bring to notice a common phenomenon in all of us i.e. “Resistance to change

We human beings are having a strange knack of remaining in our comfort zone and accepting things as they are. Any change whether it’s good or bad is treated with complete rejection at the very first go. Though we are aware and accept it later on , and even enjoy it sometime down the line but our initial reaction is  “I Don’t accept YOU/THIS” and would go to any extent to oppose it.

Had it been inertia (in terms of Physics) we could have applied the required force from outside but NO this inertia lies within and we need a different and greater force, an acknowledgement of the mistake, accpetance and finally the solution. Or else we all will continue to suffer

When we know that somewhere down the line we have to accept the change, we can’t live without it, we will be left behind if we don’t follow it …… even then we oppose it .. But why??

Can’t we make things easier for ourselves and others by just being a little practical? If thought about it in right direction and applied to our society we can solve many deep rooted problems like casteism, fight for separate state, harassment, ragging, corruption,the racial attacks, honour killing….. the list may go on and on and on…….

The only thing required is a change against RESISTANCE TO CHANGE.

Your thoughts about the same are most welcome.

6 thoughts on “Resistance to Change !!!

  1. If all would be practical then who would be adorned with the title of “fools”, Ravi 🙂

    Casteism is another thing which is so deep rooted in mind of many that can go to extent of “Honour killing” but budging..naaah thats not there way!!

  2. Being practical requires being rational. But remember we live in a society in which humans are not driven by reason, but by emotions. And ego is one of them. In fact a strong one.

  3. The issues rasied here are really those bugging our society..resistance is there and will always be there to any change, but then the select few who initiate change are the ones who finally win, otherwise we would still have been making stone arrows!!

  4. @Lo”v”er boy
    yup…in “fools ” ne hi humari watt laga rakhi hai …

    @screwed gadha
    Emotions are good but when these emotions do more harm than good then its time to raise concern and take some action.And I think time has come indeed to take one…especially the inflated ego of people who are killing in the name of honour…

    absolutely … very few are determined to stand against the orthodox thinking and tradition and justify the rational approach…
    need of hour is to have more of such people…

  5. And then, the second most important thing is that such people join together for a common cause..,

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